Maribel Hearn

She saw the other side of the boundary through the moon reflected in the water.

Seeing this moon, Merry had an idea.

"Hey, Renko. If the Moon Tour is too expensive, why don't we try thinking of another way to get there?"

A university student from future Japan. She, along with her close friend Renko Usami, form the Secret Sealing Club, and together, they explore the supernatural of the world.

She possesses the ability to see boundaries, a trait inherited from her family, which allows her to see the supernatural around her. In her dreams, she often crosses over to Gensokyo, bringing back stories to tell Renko. At other times, the two of them explore the sites of the supernatural together. She doesn't always seem to understand the danger this presents to her, though.

Maribel Hearn

Medium humanoid (Human), lawful neutral

AC: 10

HP: 7

Speed: 30 ft.

STR 8 (-1) DEX 10 (+0) CON 11 (+1)

INT 17 (+3) WIS 19 (+4) CHA 16 (+3)

Saving Throws: Wisdom +6, Charisma +5

Skills: Arcana +6, History+6, Investigation+6, Medicine +6, Nature +6, Perception +6, Religion +6, Science +6

Senses: Truesight 60 ft.

Languages: Japanese

Challenge: 0


Boundary Sight: Maribel can use an action to detect all teleport circles, planar portals, gaps, and other unnatural phenomena within 120 ft. of herself. She can also give this effect to a creature within 5 ft. of herself as an action.


Punch Them?: Melee weapon attack. +1 to hit, 1 bludgeoning damage.

Open the Gate: Maribel can open or use an existing teleport circle, planar portal, etc. She can also bring any number of creatures within 5 ft. of her through with her if she goes through one.