Dream World

The Dream World is the place where dreams occur. Most creatures are able to experience this world when asleep through their "dream selves", versions of themselves that are separate from their real selves, that act out the person's actions within the dream world.

Even while awake, the dream selves are still active within the dream world. If a person's real self enters their dream, they would be able to encounter their dream self. Likewise, it's also possible for a dream self to escape to the real world under certain circumstances.

A person's personal dream can be altered at will by a person with enough practice or awareness. This takes skill, as often one will wake up upon realizing that they are in a dream. These individuals can attain godlike powers within their dreams, and are able to manipulate their dreams as they desire.

The ruler of the Dream World is Doremy Sweet, a Baku. She makes sure that everything continues to run smoothly, by preventing people from entering or interfering with the wrong dreams, or taking note of disturbances so that those in the real world can prevent a person from developing issues that might affect the dream world.