
A new option for the Wizard's Arcane Tradition feature.

Dreamer Features:

2nd Level: Dream Self, Enter Dreams

6th Level: Force of Imagination

10th Level: Dream Traveler

14th Level: Unlimited Potential

Dream Self:

At second level, when you choose this Arcane Tradition, you gain the ability to control your dream self, the form that you take while within the Dream World. You are able to enter a meditative trance, causing you to transfer your consciousness from your normal body to that of your dream self, allowing you to control it. A dream self appears the same as your normal body, and has all the same attributes, but it exists separately and simultaneously to your normal body.

When you are not directly controlling your dream self, it acts according to your unconscious desires, as all normal dream selves do.

Enter Dreams:

When you choose this Arcane Tradition, you also gain the ability to enter the dreams of other creatures. While you are controlling your dream self, you may view and enter the dreams of another unconscious creature within 10 ft. of your normal body. You may bring any number of willing creatures within 30 ft. with you when you do this.

Force of Imagination:

At 6th level, while within the Dream World, your spells cannot be countered or dispelled. Whilst within the Dream World, you may use a bonus action to teleport yourself up to 30 ft. to a location you can see.

You gain total control over your own dreams. By spending an hour within your dream, you may change it to appear however you like.

Dream Traveler:

At 10th level, if you use the Teleportation Circle spell to create a permanent teleportation circle while within your own dream, the circle is created instantaneously.

You also gain the ability to explore the Dream World. As an action, you are able to teleport your dream self and any number of willing creatures within 30 ft. of you to the dreams of another creature. You may only use this feature at least 4 hours after the previous use.

Unlimited Potential

At 14th level, you gain the ability to warp the dreams of other creatures as well as your own. While within the Dream World, if you cast a spell using a spell slot of 5th level or below, it does not expend a spell slot.

You may also cast the Wish spell without expending a spell slot, provided that the effects of it are entirely contained to the Dream World. You may only cast it this way once every 8 hours.