Sunny Milk

"I am Sunny Milk. The fairy that can control light refraction. There is no one who can beat me at hide-and-seek."

Sunny Milk is the fairy of sunlight, and one of the Three Fairies of Light. She has the ability to refract light, allowing her to create illusions and make herself invisible. She can also use this like a mirror, to allow herself to see around obstructions.

She tends to take the lead in the group, thinking up new pranks or games to play. Her ability also gives her an edge when it comes to fights, as laser attacks are useless against her. She's usually the most enthusiastic of the group, leading them headfirst into their schemes.

Sunny Milk

Small Fey (Fairy), chaotic neutral

AC: 12

HP: 36

Speed: 25 ft., 30 ft. flying (hover)

STR 5 (-3) DEX 15 (+2) CON 16 (+3)

INT 6 (-2) WIS 10 (+0) CHA 14 (+2)

Saving Throws: Constitution +5, Charisma +4

Skills: Investigation +1, Nature +5, Persuasion +2, Stealth +4

Languages: Japanese

Challenge: 1


Eternal: When a fairy would be killed, it instead disappears, and will return to full strength at its place of birth at next dawn.

Embodiments of Nature: Fairies can cause natural phenomena to occur by performing rituals they associate with that occurrence. These can take anywhere from a few minutes to an hour, and the effects can be anything relating to nature; flowers blooming, trees growing, and seemingly dead plants coming back to life.

Fairy Gang: Instead of moving on her own turn, Sunny may delay her movement, and move as a reaction to an allied fairy within 15 ft. moving before the beginning of her next turn.

Light Deflection: Sunny is immune to spells and abilities that shoot a laser-like attack at her, such as a "beam" or "ray", that also deal fire, radiant or force damage.


Fairy Shot: Ranged spell attack. 120 ft. range, +5 to hit, 1d4+6 force damage.

Light Refraction (Concentration): Sunny posses the ability to bend light. She has several abilities that create illusions; these illusions will completely fool normal vision, but will not fool any other senses. When she uses this feature, she chooses one of the following options. A creature who inspects one of these effects can discern that it is an illusion by making a DC 14 Wisdom saving throw.

  • She can create a convincing illusion over a 30 ft. sphere, originating at a point within 60 ft. of her. The entire area appears as she wishes it to.
  • She can create the illusion of a creature of her choice. This illusion moves and appears however she wills it.
  • She can bend light in a sphere of up to 15 ft. around her. The centre of this sphere moves with Sunny. All creatures of Sunny's choice within the area become invisible as long as they remain within the sphere. Sunny chooses whether she makes a creature invisible or not when they enter the area.
  • She uses her ability like a mirror or optical fibre, allowing her to view any point within 90 ft. of her, provided light could reach her in any way from that point.