
Land types are typically the most flexible of the three branches, and are typically able to make an important shot first, through either spotting the enemy first, being hidden from the enemy, or being so durable you can safely ignore whatever the enemy throws at you.


Choose from Recon, Battle, Heavy, Destroyer or Artillery.

Recon are fast, and able to spot enemies and coordinate with their allies to bring them down.

Battle are flexible combatants, able to maneuver around slower enemies and withstand attacks from weak ones.

Heavy are relatively slow and simple, but they can prove to be almost indestructible.

Destroyers are excellent at ambushes and making long range shots.

Artillery are able to lend support to their allies from the back lines.

Tank Shock

As a bonus action, you may expend 4 fuel. Until the end of this turn, you may move through spaces occupying other creatures, but must still end your movement in an unoccupied space. If you do not have enough movement to move to an unoccupied space, you may not move through a creature.

Any creature you move through this way must make a Wisdom saving throw. If they pass, there is no effect. If they fail, they become frightened of you until the beginning of your next turn.



Coordinated Attack

If you can see a creature, other creatures of your choice within 120 ft. of you are considered to be able to see that creature, and ignore the effects of being obscured.

Suppressing Fire

As an action, you may expend 6 munitions to choose a line that is 5 ft. wide and extends 60 ft. from you. All creatures that line passes through may drop prone as a reaction. Any creature that does not takes 4d6 piercing damage. Until the beginning of your next turn, any creature that moves through the line without being prone, or that stands up, suffers 4d6 piercing damage.

If you move after initiating this ability, or use your reaction to do something, this effect ends.


Ramming Speed

You are able to make the most of your speed and mass to deliver a crushing blow to anything in your path. If you move 40 ft. or more in a straight line towards a creature, you may expend 4 fuel to make a single attack roll against that creature. If the attack hits, you may expend any number of hit dice to deal as much damage as you roll on those dice, and adding your Constitution modifier to each dice rolled, to both yourself and the creature you rammed.


You may expend 12 fuel as a bonus action to take the dash action and gain an additional action. You ignore the loading property of weapons you have until the end of this turn. You may only use this feature once during each of your turns.



Your size becomes large.

Front Forward

You are able to effectively protect yourself against a creature of your choice. You may expend 5 fuel to choose a creature. You gain immunity to damage dealt by that creature until the beginning of your next turn.

Moving Cover

Allied creatures may use you as cover. You do not grant cover to enemy creatures.



When attempting to hide yourself, you gain a +5 to your Dexterity (Stealth) tests as long as you remain stationary.

Precision Shot

When you roll an 18 or 19 on an attack roll, you may expend 6 fuel to have that hit count as a critical hit.

Alpha Strike

As an action, you may prepare to initiate an all-out attack. While prepared this way, you may expend 12 munitions as a reaction to make an attack with your cannon and any number of missiles you have equipped.


Supporting Fire

You are considered to be able to see creatures that any ally within 120 ft. of you can see, and ignore the effects of them being obscured for the purposes of your attacks.

Arching Fire

Ranged attacks you make against creatures that are more than 30 ft. away from you ignore the effects of being in cover.