Fight Club

Post date: Apr 21, 2019 10:48:11 AM

I went ahead and did a first version of few of the simpler characters, that is, those who are basically just fancy melee fighters.

First up, Momiji Inubashiri. She's pretty straightforward; she's a Wolf Tengu with a sword and shield. It was a bit refreshing to do a lower CR character that I didn't have to get super fancy with. Hit with sword.

Nemuno Sakata is one of the newer characters, but her sanctuary power let me play with a mechanic to create areas that make it more difficult for her opponents to enter or fight in, helping to give herself or her allies an advantage, or even just control her opponents when outnumbered. She also has a huge cleaver, which can also be used to cut people, I guess.

Little Shinmyoumaru Sukuna (had to write Shunmyoumaru a lot) is a stabby character who has a size changing mechanic, giving her different effects depending on what size she is. I may have to go over her in the future, however, as I'm not certain that all of her sizes bring benefits that make them worth changing into.

You'd think that Yuugi Hoshiguma would have been done long ago, as she's really straightforward. She's an Oni. She's big, hits hard, and eats hits all day. Too straightforward, actually; I wasn't sure that I could make her into a worthwhile fight that befits her status and the CR she should have as one of the strongest Oni. Since a lot of characters in Touhou are quite powerful and boss-like, it feels like fighting them in D&D should be as climactic as the buildup, so I like to give them interesting mechanics to work around. Then again, I guess you should sometimes get what you expect out of a fight like someone like Yuugi.

Surprisingly, I found I hadn't done Hong Meiling yet, especially as she's one of my favourites, in no small part thanks to AsaToshi's Burning Meiling series, and her appearance in Hisoutensoku. She also just seems really nice, a little like Shou or Hecatia. Anyway, I wanted to throw in her moves from the games, so I gave her a mechanic that allows her to use powerful moves after every few normal hits she scores.

I was also going to do Shou Toramaru, but it turns out she doesn't actually have good close combat skills, despite my initial impression from Burning Meiling. Until now, I'd sort of envisioned her as a sort of paladin with a spear and a magical item, but it seems like she prefers to just shoot CURVY LASERS at people, do things with gems, and be a religious icon/avatar.

Anyway, that's all for now. I feel like I should go over the races I've done so far, and perhaps some of the backgrounds as well.

Keen-eyed people may also have noticed that I've started trying to add flavour text to some abilities, to sort of describe how they work and what the character does when they use them. Might remove it from some things, like passive features.