Raiko Horikawa

"Everyone works hard to survive, right? You can't call that "cunning"."

Author Notes

Raiko Horikawa

Medium construct (Tsukumogami), neutral good

AC: 14

HP: 268

Speed: 30 ft., 30 ft. flying (hover)

STR 20 (+5) DEX 14 (+2) CON 19 (+4)

INT 16 (+3) WIS 18 (+4) CHA 17 (+3)

Saving Throws: Strength +10, Wisdom +9, Charisma +8

Skills: Athletics +10, Insight +9, Perception +9, Performance +8

Damage Immunities: Non-magical slashing, bludgeoning and piercing, poison, thunder, lightning

Condition Immunities: Poisoned, deafened

Languages: Japanese

Challenge: 27


Drum of the Gods: Raiko embodies the power of Take-Mikazuchi, the god of thunder, and her thunderous beats cannot be stopped. Raiko's own abilities are unaffected by the "Silence" spell, and other similar effects. Her drum can also be heard when played while under these conditions. Raiko's damage ignores thunder resistance. A creature with thunder immunity takes half damage from her, instead of none.

Legendary Resistance (3/day): When Raiko would fail a saving throw, she may choose to pass instead.

Ten-Part Performance: To fight Raiko is to partake in a lengthy performance. Only the strongest can survive long enough to defeat her. During a fight, Raiko puts on a grand performance, comprised of the ten following parts.

When she begins each part, she gains a number of temporary HP. When this stock of temporary HP is exhausted, she will move on to the next part at the beginning of her next turn. When she changes parts, she also removes any number of conditions upon herself.

The effects of each of these parts is cumulative, and will continue even when Raiko has moved on to a later part. If multiple effects would occur at the same time, the effects of earlier parts occur first.

First Drum "Raging Temple Taiko": Grants Raiko 48 temporary HP. At the beginning of each of her turns, each creature of Raiko's choice within 60 ft. of her takes 12 thunder damage.

Second Drum "Vengeful Spirit Aya-no-Tsuzumi": Grants Raiko 52 temporary HP. At the beginning of each of Raiko's turns, each creature of her choice within 120 ft. of her takes 8 thunder damage.

Third Drum "Three Strikes at Midnight": Grants Raiko 52 temporary HP. At the beginning of each of Raiko's turns, each creature of her choice within 120 ft. of her takes 8 thunder damage.

Death Drum "Land Percuss": Grants Raiko 52 temporary HP. At the beginning of each of Raiko's turns, each creature of her choice within 60 ft. of her must make a DC 15 Strength saving throw. A creature that fails this saving throw is knocked prone.

Fifth Drum "Den-Den Daiko": Grants Raiko 52 temporary HP. At the beginning of each of Raiko's turns, each creature of her choice within 60 ft. take 12 lightning damage.

Sixth Drum "Alternate Sticking": Grants Raiko 56 temporary HP. At the beginning of each of Raiko's turns, each creature of her choice further than 60 ft. but within 300 ft. takes 18 lightning damage.

Seventh Drum "High Speed Taiko Rocket": Grants Raiko 56 temporary HP. At the beginning of Raiko's turn, she may move up to 30 ft. Additionally, her movement no longer provokes opportunity attacks.

Eighth Drum "Thunder God's Anger": Grants Raiko 60 temporary HP. At the beginning of each of Raiko's turns, any number of creatures of her choice within 300 ft. of her take 12 lightning damage.

Blue Lady Show: Grants Raiko 60 temporary HP. At the beginning of each of Raiko's turns, each creature of her choice within 30 ft. of her must make a DC 15 Charisma saving throw. A creature that fails this saving throw is paralyzed until the beginning of Raiko's next turn.

Pristine Beat: At the beginning of each of Raiko's turns, a creature of her choice within 30 ft. of her must make a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, the creature immediately drops to 0 HP.


Multiattack: Raiko makes four Beat-down attacks.

Beat-down: Melee weapon attack. +13 to hit, 2d8+8 magical bludgeoning damage.

Lightning Strike: Ranged magic attack. 300 ft. range, +9 to hit, 8d6+12 lightning damage.

Percussion (4/day, recharge 5-6): Raiko deploys a mystical drum, which appears in a location within 10 ft. of her. This drum echoes her "Ten-Part Performance" feature, but with half the range on all effects. She may have four of these drums active at one time. Creating a fifth dismisses a drum of Raiko's choice. A drum can be destroyed with a dispel magic spell.