Yoshika Miyako

"My Jiangshi's selling point is her toughness." - Seiga Kaku.

Yoshika Miyako

Meduim undead (Jiangshi), lawful neutral.

AC: 8

HP: 226

Speed: 30 ft., 30 ft. flying (hover), 10 ft. burrow

STR 19 (+4) DEX 7 (-2) CON 22 (+6)

INT 15 (+2) WIS 13 (+1) CHA 9 (-1)

Saving Throws: Strength +7, Constitution +9

Skills: Athletics +10, History +5, Intimidation +5, Nature +5, Religion +5, Survival +4

Damage Immunities: Non-magical slashing, piercing and bludgeoning, necrotic, poison, psychic

Condition Immunities: Charmed, exhaustion, frightened, poisoned, stunned, unconscious

Senses: Darkvision 30 ft.

Languages: Japanese, Old Japanese

Challenge: 10


Braindead Loyalty: While Yoshika's lack of intelligence makes her unsuited to complex work, it also makes her unable to comprehend doing anything against her master's orders. Yoshika's rotten brain makes it difficult for anyone other than Seiga to deal with her. She only takes orders directly from Seiga Kaku; any attempt to reason with her otherwise automatically fails, including Charisma (Persuasion) rolls and the like.

Meat Shield: If nothing else, one can simply hide behind her. Whenever an ally within 5 ft. of Yoshika would take damage or be affected by an attack, spell or feature that does not have an area of effect, Yoshika may use her reaction to cause it to hit her instead. If the creature being protected is Seiga Kaku, then Seiga cannot be chosen as a target of anything until the end of the current turn.

Spirit Absorption: Yoshika devours spiritual and magical energy, becoming nearly impossible to kill in a high magic environment. Whenever a spell is cast within 30 ft. of Yoshika, Yoshika recovers an amount of HP equal to twice the level of the spell slot used to cast it.

Additionally, all of her attacks count as magical for the purpose of overcoming resistances.


Claw: Melee weapon attack. +7 to hit, 2d8+4 slashing damage. Yoshika recovers an amount of HP equal to the amount of damage dealt.