
Fairies are one of the more common nuisances in Gensokyo. Fairies are the embodiments of nature, the life of trees, flowers, and even the weather and changing seasons. They manifest into the form of a fairy, and go about causing mischief. Fairies are not difficult to get rid of. They are not very intelligent or dangerous, and can easily be tricked, allowing you to run away or defeat them. Fairies are also impulsive, and are poor at long-term planning. They'll probably forget that you tricked them by the next time you meet.

It's impossible to kill a fairy, as they come back to life each morning, somewhere that humans cannot find them. They also live within nature, though most humans and youkai cannot see these homes, which appear to be entirely ordinary plants. The fairies influence can also cause these plants to grow, or even change the weather.

Fairies can be found almost anywhere, doing whatever they feel like.

Notable Fairies:

  • Cirno - Fairy of Ice.
  • Daiyousei - Cirno's friend.
  • Lily White - Herald of Spring.
  • Sunny Milk - Fairy of Sunlight.
  • Star Sapphire - Fairy of Starlight.
  • Luna Child - Fairy of Moonlight.
  • Clownpiece - Hell-fairy/lampad.
  • Eternity Larva - Fairy of Swallowtail Butterflies.

Fairies usually come in large mobs, being too shy or cowardly to attack alone. Once they get moving, though, they tend to keep going, even once all their allies are defeated. This is possibly because they lack enough situational awareness to realise that their allies have been defeated.