Sakuya Izayoi

"Come back two hours earlier."

The head maid of the Scarlet Devil Mansion is shrouded in mystery, perhaps even more so than the vampiric mistress of the house. She appears as an elegant and well-mannered young lady, performing the duties of her household, from cleaning, to making tea, to guarding her mistress. Her personal appearance almost always seems to be immaculate, and she represents her household well in external affairs as well when her mistress is busy.

That said, Humans don't last long in Gensokyo unless they have some tricks up their sleeves. In addition to her dexterous fingers from which she seems to be able to produce things like cards as if by magic, she is deadly accurate with throwing knives - and hers are all silvered, able to harm even the toughest of Youkai and seem to appear from thin air even as she throws them. On top of this, she possesses the mysterious ability to manipulate time itself, a valuable asset for one who needs to clean an expansive mansion in addition to numerous other chores, but also extremely effective in a fight, allowing her to move at the speed of light and confounding her enemies as to both her position and where she will strike next. On the occasion where she is sent to resolve incidents, she easily stands favourably with those who typically handle such situations.

Due to her shrouded past and her unusual powers and proficiencies, many rumours have begun, speculating about her life before she came to work as Remilia's maid. Some say she was a vampire hunter, who sought to slay Remilia but was turned into her servant. Others say that she is a legendary serial killer from across the ocean. Another even suggests that she is a Lunarian, long since hidden away on Earth from the eyes of her peers.

Sakuya Izayoi

Medium humanoid (human), lawful neutral

AC: 20

HP: 148

Speed: 35 ft., 40 ft. flying (hover)

STR 13 (+1) DEX 22 (+6) CON 16 (+3)

INT 14 (+2) WIS 17 (+3) CHA 20 (+5)

Saving Throws: Dexterity +12, Wisdom +9, Charisma +11

Skills: Acrobatics +12, Perception +9, Performance +11, Sleight of Hand +12

Languages: Japanese

Challenge: 16


Celerity: Sakuya can move at an unnatural speed, sometimes seeming to be everywhere at once. Sakuya does not roll for initiative. Instead, she is always considered to have a total initiative of 26, 18 and 10. She has a turn on each of these steps. She may take a single reaction between each of her turns.

Hammerspace: Time and space are related, thus, Sakuya never seems to run out of either. Sakuya can hold any number of items on her person, and can draw whichever of her items she wishes when she wants to. Additionally, Sakuya has never runs out of knives.

Silvered Weapons: Sakuya's silvered weapons have given rise to rumours of her having once been a monster hunter. Sakuya's knives are silvered. They are considered to be magical for the purposes of overcoming resistances and immunities.

Time Stop (1/day): Sakuya's signature move gives her as long as she needs, leaving her enemies to suddenly find themselves in a trap. Sakuya stops time. After her current turn, Sakuya takes four more turns/24 seconds of action. During this time, whenever she would make a Thrown Knife attack, it is replaced by Delay. When Delay is used this way, it does not use a Legendary Action.

She cannot use Resume while Time Stop is active.


Multiattack: Sakuya makes 3 weapon attacks.

Knife: Melee weapon attack. +13 to hit, 2d6+6 slashing damage.

Thrown Knife: Ranged weapon attack. Range 60/80 ft., +13 to hit, 2d6+6 piercing damage.

Legendary Actions (3 uses)

Ricochet: Sakuya is skilled with her knives, and her reflexes allow her to line up a second chance for her attacks. When Sakuya misses with a ranged weapon attack, she may reroll the attack roll, and may also change the target of the attack. The attack is considered to have been launched from any point within 60 ft. of Sakuya of her choosing. This may be used any time a reaction could be used.

Delay: Sakuya can freese her thrown knives in time and space, allowing for a bladed barrage when they are released. Sakuya throws a knife that freezes immediately in Sakuya's space.

Resume: Sakuya makes a Thrown Knife attack with any number of knives that had been thrown with Delay. The attacks are made from wherever the knives are frozen.

Time Step: Sakuya disappears before she is struck, appearing completely unharmed and away from danger. This may be used at any time a reaction could be used. Sakuya teleports up to 30 ft. If this is used after being hit by an attack, but before taking damage, this causes the attack to miss.

Sakuya's World (Uses 3 Legendary Actions): Sakuya takes the opportunity to stop time and do as she pleases. Sakuya takes a turn. She may only use this ability once. She regains her use of it at the beginning of her initiative 26 turn.