Tengu Camera

This item is a small handheld camera. It can be held and used in one hand.

It holds 3 charges, and each use expends 3 charges. You may use it to cast either dispel magic or counterspell as 7th level spells. However, the camera has no effect on spells of 8th level or above.

Additionally, the camera takes a picture of whatever was in its view, ejecting a printed photo onto a slide.


To use it requires that it be loaded with a roll of film. Each roll provides enough film for 10 shots. A roll of film may be removed and replaced as a single action.


A camera must be charged before each shot. A single use requires 3 charges.

Charging it requires two hands. While charging, it gains 1 charge at the beginning of each of your turns.

You may use an action to give it 1 charge.

Immediately after you end your turn, you may use your reaction to give it 1 charge.