
Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence score increases by 2, your Charisma score increases by 2, and your Constitution score is lowered by 2.

Age. Magicians are powered by magic. They do not age past the point where they gave up their humanity and became Magicians.

Alignment. Magicians vary in alignment; some prefer the pursuit of knowledge over all else, becoming chaotic, while others may prefer an orderly world that they can organise, becoming lawful, or anywhere in between.

Size. Magicians have bodies like that of Humans. Your size is medium.

Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

Languages. You speak Common/Japanese, and two of any language of your choice.

Magic Tongue. You can instantly recognise any spell as it is being cast, and at what level it is being cast. You also learn the approximate spell save DC of the spell, if it requires a saving throw. The caster must give you four subsequent numbers, one of which must be the spell save DC of the spell. You also always know if an attack roll against you is less than five points above your AC.

Raw Power. Your maximum Intelligence and Charisma scores are increased by 2.