
Medium dragon (Dragon), Lawful neutral

AC: 15

HP: 121

Speed: 30 ft., 40 ft. fly (hover)

STR 15 (+2) DEX 14 (+2) CON 16 (+3)

INT 12 (+1) WIS 12 (+1) CHA 12 (+1)

Saving Throws: Wisdom +6

Damage Immunities: Fire

Senses: Truesight 60 ft.

Languages: Japanese, Old Japanese, Youkai, Dragon

Challenge: 4


Flame Aura: Creatures within 10 ft. of Koutei of Koutei's choice gain the following effects as long as Koutei has at least 1 hit point and is not unconscious.

  • Resistance to fire damage.

  • Hostile creatures that end their turn within 5 ft. if this creature suffer 2d4 fire damage. A creature can take this damage multiple times if it ends its turn within 5 ft. of two or more creatures under the effect of this aura.

Hermit's Blessing: Koutei's melee weapon attacks are treated as magical for the purposes of overcoming resistances and immunities.


Bite: Melee weapon attack. +5 to hit, 3d6+2 piercing damage.

Flame Breath: Ranged magic attack. Range 120 ft., +6 to hit, 4d8 fire damage.