Spider and Dream

Post date: Jan 23, 2018 8:45:16 AM

Two characters done today: Yamame Kurodani and Doremy Sweet.

Firstly, Yamame is a pretty generic monster, as far as Touhous go. She has the ability to climb up walls and ceilings, allowing for some creative surprise attacks, and can also grapple creatures that she hits, allowing her to drag them up to perhaps be dropped somewhere, or she can web them up to keep them out of the fight.

While she might seem relatively dull, she's still quite dangerous due to her high strength and multiattack.

The next character is Doremy Sweet, who I wanted to have a go at after the release of Antinomy of Common Flowers. I managed to get the English patch working today, so I got a lot of insight into how the Dream World and Doremy works.

In this iteration, her aim is to put her opponents to sleep in the real world so that she can dominate them in the Dream World. She also has the ability to create bubbles of Dream World in the real world, where she can power up.

When she ends up in the Dream World, she's pretty much unstoppable. She can be defeated, but she's meant to be nearly omnipotent while within it. Basically, if she puts the party to sleep, they're as good as dead anyway, if she wants.

Flavor aside, she becomes a character who deals basically 80 HP of unhealable and unresistable damage each turn in the real world, though she's rather ineffective against creatures that don't sleep.