Shinmyoumaru Sukuna

Shinmyoumaru Sukuna

Small humanoid (Kobito), chaotic good

AC: 18

HP: 164

Speed: 30 ft., 30 ft. flying (hover)

STR 6 (-2) DEX 19 (+4) CON 14 (+2)

INT 11 (+0) WIS 9 (-1) CHA 13 (+1)

Saving Throws: Dexterity +8, Charisma +5

Skills: Acrobatics +8, Stealth +8, Nature +3

Damage Immunities: Non-magical slashing, piercing and bludgeoning.

Languages: Japanese, Youkai, Kobito

Challenge: 13


Evasion: When Shinmyoumaru is affected by an effect that allows her to make a Dexterity saving throw to halve the damage taken, she instead takes no damage if she passes the saving throw, and half damage if she fails.

Heroic Resolve: While Shinmyoumaru has a living ally in sight, or within 60 ft. of her, she is immune to the Frightened condition.

Lightweight: When taking fall damage, Shinmyoumaru treats the distance she has fallen as half as much as it actually was.

Miracle Mallet: Shinmyoumaru can change her size as a bonus action. She may become tiny, small, medium or large. Depending on her size, she receives a number of effects. She also gains these effects when her size is changed by other means.

Tiny: Attacks made against Shinmyoumaru by creatures of Medium size or greater are made with disadvantage. Shinmyoumaru's speed is reduced by 10 ft. She gains access to the Tiny Attack action. Her Lightweight feature now divides the distance she falls by 4.

Small: Shinmyoumaru gains access to her Riposte feature.

Medium: Shinmyoumaru's base Strength is becomes 10. She gains access to her Riposte feature.

Large: Shinmyoumaru's melee weapon attacks gain a reach of 5 ft., she gains advantage on Dexterity saving throws, her speed is increased by 10 ft., she gains access to her Stomp legendary action, gains advantage on Strength tests and saving throws, and her base Strength becomes 14.

Nimble: Shinmyoumaru is treated as having AC 23 against opportunity attacks.

Oni-slayer: Shinmyoumaru cannot be incapacitated, paralysed, stunned or knocked unconscious as a result of being eaten, grabbed etc. by another creature, instead treating it as being grappled by that creature, and has advantage on saving throws to avoid being digested, crushed ect. whilst in such a state (She can still fall unconscious by other means, such as being reduced to 0 hit points, or by magic, while in such a state, however). As a part of her attempt to escape such a hold, she can attempt to cut her way out, dealing 8d6+8 slashing damage to that creature and bypassing all resistances and immunities as she cuts her way out from within.

If the creature is reduced to 0 hit points by any means, she immediately escapes, and may act as normal on her next turn.

Riposte: May only be used when small or medium. As a reaction to being hit by an attack, Shinmyoumaru increases her AC by 5. If this causes the attack to miss, she may immediately make one Needle attack against the creature that made the attack.


Multiattack: Shinmyoumaru makes three Needle attacks.

Needle: Melee weapon attack. +8 to hit, 2d8+4 magical piercing damage.

Tiny Attack: May only be used when tiny. Shinmyoumaru makes a contested Acrobatics roll against a medium or larger creature within 5 ft. of her. If Shinmyoumaru wins, she gets on that creature. Until the beginning of Shinmyoumaru's next turn, that creature cannot attack her, and Shinmyoumaru is carried by it when it moves.

Legendary Action (3 uses):

Change Size: Shinmyoumaru uses her Miracle Mallet feature.

Stomp: May only be used when large or bigger. Melee weapon attack. +8 to hit, 4d6+4 bludgeoning damage.