Moon Rabbit

Moon Rabbits are both the servants and soldiers of the Lunarians. They are told to work in order to atone for the sins of their master, Chang'e, who is currently imprisoned.

Moon Rabbits themselves aren't particularly bright. They're relatively well trained, and equipped with high-tech Lunatic Guns, but as the Lunar Capital is rarely under threat, they are extremely complacent and overconfident. The Lunar Capital tends to only be attacked by a force sufficient to warrant the attention of the Lunarians themselves, so the Rabbits don't get to fight. Their leaders tend to also make their fights seem graceful and effortless, so the Rabbits tend to think that their enemies are weak, further adding to their complacency.

Eagle Ravi is the unit of Moon Rabbits who have been sent to Earth. Although they seemingly have an important task, they're not much more motivated than ordinary Moon Rabbits.

Notable Moon Rabbits:

  • Reisen Udongein Inaba - Servant of Eirin Yagokoro, former servant of the Watatsuki sisters, and a skilled bodyguard.
  • Reisen - Servant of the Watatsuki sisters. More cautious than a typical Rabbit.
  • Seiran - Earth infiltrator, and part of Eagle Ravi.
  • Ringo - Intelligence gatherer, and an officer of Eagle Ravi.