Kagerou Imaizumi

"I don't even want to come out on nights of the full moon, either."

"Why's that? You were all upbeat just a little while ago."

"Well, look... It's a pain to clean up the hair that falls out."

"Ah... I see."

Kagerou Imaizumi

Medium beast (Werewolf), neutral good

AC: 14

HP: 89

Speed: 40 ft., 30 ft. flying (hover)

STR 18 (+4) DEX 19 (+4) CON 20 (+5)

INT 13 (+1) WIS 14 (+2) CHA 17 (+3)

Saving Throws: Strength +7, Dexterity +7, Constitution +8

Skills: Survival +5

Damage Immunities: Non-magical slashing, piercing and bludgeoning from non-silvered weapons.

Senses: Darkvision 120 ft.

Languages: Japanese, Youkai

Challenge: 6


Heightened Senses: Those who gain power from animals often have sharp senses. Kagerou has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) tests that allow her to use her sense of smell or hearing.

Light of the Moon: While a Werewolf is much stronger and faster than a normal Human, under the full moon they become almost unstoppable. Kagerou becomes much stronger under the moonlight. If she is under direct moonlight, she receives the following benefits:

  • She gains +4 to her Strength (This confers a +2 to her melee weapon attack and damage rolls).
  • She gains an additional 20 ft. to all movement.
  • At the end of each of her turns, she recovers 8 HP.
  • Her melee weapon attacks count as being magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance and immunity, and deal an additional 1d8 slashing damage.
  • She gains Blindsight at up to 120 ft.

If it is the night of a full moon, she additionally has all of the above benefits regardless of whether she is under direct moonlight or not (If it is a full moon, and she is also under direct moonlight, she receives the benefits twice).


Multiattack: Kagerou makes two claw attacks.

Claw: Melee weapon attack. +7 to hit, 2d8+4 slashing damage.