Remilia Scarlet

The Scarlet Devil, Remilia Scarlet, is a centuries-old vampire with the appearance of a child. She resides within the Scarlet Devil Mansion, a Western-style home that she moved in to Gensokyo. She takes care of her presentation, appearing as a dignified lady, as if to show her true age beneath her young exterior. However, when caught off-guard, she does show a more childish side, sulking when she doesn't get her way, or pursing frivolous activities at times. She's mostly motivated by anything that catches her interest, and has her staff take unreasonable steps to achieve these petty goals.

Her own ability is called a "Manipulation of Fate". Due to the seamless nature of the universe, it's unclear what this power does, as she can often be seen to get her way by taking action to make it so. Outside of this, she has the powers of a vampire; immense strength and lightning speed, as well as the immortality associated with her kind. She also has her centuries of experience to draw upon; indeed, she often claims to be a descendant of Dracula, Vlad Tepes, though this is in truth a lie.

Due to her powers, she has garnered a level of respect from those around her, including many of the other Youkai of Gensokyo. She's rather easygoing and respectful towards others, and is often willing to go along with the games of others without considering them to be beneath her, or a waste of her time. As a result, her staff go along with her whims, and she listens to their concerns when they arise. She's known as being quite charismatic because of both her power and wisdom.

Remilia Scarlet

Small undead (Vampire), lawful evil

AC: 23

HP: 418

Speed: 45 ft., 45 ft. flying (hover)

STR 24 (+7) DEX 24 (+7) CON 22 (+6)

INT 16 (+3) WIS 17 (+3) CHA 20 (+5)

Saving Throws: Constitution +13, Charisma +12

Skills: Arcana, History, Intimidation, Nature, Religion

Damage Resistances: Cold, psychic

Damage Immunities: Non-magical slashing, piercing and bludgeoning, necrotic, poison

Condition Immunities: Exhaustion, poisoned, stunned

Senses: Darkvision 300 ft.

Languages: Japanese, Old Japanese, Youkai

Challenge: 26


Legendary Resistance (3/day): Vampires are notoriously resistant to all kinds of things. When Remilia fails a saving throw, she may choose to pass it instead.

Regeneration: Injuries done to her seem to close almost as fast as they are inflicted. At the beginning of each of her turns, Remilia recovers 40 hit points.

Sunlight Weakness: Catching Remilia in sunlight forces her to change her form to survive, greatly imparing her ability to fight back. If Remilia is exposed to direct sunlight, she evaporates into a mist. While in this form, she may do no action other than move, and gains immunity to the grappled and prone conditions. When she is no longer in direct sunlight, she may reform her body by expending 120 hit points.

Vampiric Power: Vampires are said to be as strong as Oni and as fast as Tengu. Remila has advantage on Strength, Dexterity and Constitution saving throws. Attack rolls against her are made with disadvantage.


Multiattack: Remilia makes four Claw attacks.

Claw: Melee weapon attack. +15 to hit, 3d6+9 slashing damage. This attack counts as being magical for the purposes of overcoming resistances and immunities.

Divine Spear "Spear, the Gungnir": Remilia summons her great spear, the attacks with which never miss. Remilia summons and throws her spear along a line 5 ft. wide and extending up to 1200 ft. from her. All creatures along this line must make a DC 21 Charisma saving throw. A creature that fails takes 6d6 necrotic and 6d6 magical piercing damage. A creature that passes takes half as much damage.

Legendary Actions (3 uses):

Attack: Remilia makes two claw attacks.

Bat Form (Recharge 1-6): A signature move of Vampires, this transformation allows Remilia to avoid all damage coming her way. Remilia takes the form of a swarm of bats. Until the end of the next creature's turn, she is immune to all damage.

Dash: Vampires are unnaturally fast, and Remilia's small stature only accentuates the speed with which she moves. Remilia takes a move action. This movement does not provoke opportunity attacks.

Regenerate: Concentrating, Remilia uses magic to recover from her injuries. Remilia recovers 30 hit points.

Scarlet Sign "Red the Nightless Castle" (Recharge 1-6): Bloody red beams shoot from Remilia in every direction, causing her enemies to wither away. Remilia makes six beams, each 30 ft. long and 5 ft. wide, with the first extending in a 2-dimensional direction of her choice, one 90 degrees to both the left and right of that one, one the opposite direction of the first, one directly upwards and one directly downwards.

Each creature touched by any of these beams must make a DC 21 Dexterity saving throw. A creature that fails takes 6d6 necrotic damage. A creature that passes takes half as much damage.