Creature Types

Post date: Mar 4, 2018 2:33:38 PM

One thing that has been coming up recently in my own games is creature types. This isn't usually a problem, but one of my players is a Ranger, who has features that depend on a creature's type. So, I wanted to get down what each type of creature in Touhou would correspond to in D&D.

I'm putting it here because it will be shown in each creature's own entry. I might copy it over to the DM's section for easier reference, though.

I'm only looking at the Windows characters here, but it should serve as a good guideline for other characters. The only ones I'm really having trouble with are Doremy, Junko and Okina.

Doremy is a Baku, which I would put as a Beast, but she's so powerful I might put her as an Abberation.

Junko could be an Abberation, Celestial, Elemental, Humanoid or Monstrosity.

I have no idea what Okina is, but she could be an Abberation, Celestial, Humanoid or Monstrosity.


Yukari, Rumia, Nue.


Youkai that come from animals, animal-like Youkai, animals, or have animal traits. Includes Kappa, Tengu, Werewolves, Nekomata, Tanuki, Kitsune, Rabbits, Moon Rabbits, Mermaids, the Catfish, etc.


Gods, Celestials, Angels, Shinigami, Yama. Kanako, Suwako, Joon, Shion, Shizuha, Minoriko, Hina, Komachi, Eiki.


Tsukumogami, dolls, mecha. I might move Tsukumogami to Celestials. Medicine, Hisoutensoku, Alice's dolls.


Probably just Iku.


Possibly Unzan.




Oni, Amanojaku, Kishin, Imps. Suika, Yuugi, Hecatia, Seija, Kasen.


There aren't really any; possibly one of the creatures Hisoutensoku is mistaken for.


Humans, Lunarians, Schoolgirls, Hermits, Magicians, Kobito, Rinnosuke.


Basically any Youkai that doesn't fit into another category. There are very few, though. Kisume, Satori, Koishi, Sekibanki.


None of the established characters, but one could appear.


Just Yuuka really.


Ghosts, Phantoms, Zombies, Jiangshi. Yuyuko, Yoshika, half of Youmu, Tojiko, Murasa.