
"Is the person in front of me the edible kind?"

It is said that monsters were born from the Human's fear of the darkness - that Youkai were dreamed up in all their forms by Humans to explain that which they could not explain, and to warn their children not to go out alone at night. In Gensokyo, where monsters are very real, the darkness itself is a terrifying entity, and not one to be taken lightly.

Rumia, the Youkai of Darkness, has the ability to manipulate the darkness, preying on the fears of Humans before consuming them. Sometimes, bones or bloodstains are all that is left, while at other times, no trace is left at all of the unfortunate victim. It is said that, before she was sealed through the ribbon-like talisman in her hair, that she would carve through dozens of Humans each night, that people would leave their lights on and buy seals to ward her from their homes - and that this would not always stop her. The legend goes that the previous Hakurei Maiden sealed her away after a fierce battle, and that it was here that she disappeared, leading many to believe that the seal was placed at the cost of her own life.

These days, Rumia is a small, blonde girl with a childish demeanour, often seen playing with other Youkai who act her age, and presents little threat to those experienced in fighting Youkai. However, she is still dangerous, and will still try to eat Humans. As a result, Human children are still often told to be home by nightfall, and many adults refuse to go out after dark.


Small monstrosity (Youkai), chaotic neutral

AC: 12

HP: 84

Speed: 30 ft., 30 ft. flying (hover)

STR 17 (+3) DEX 12 (+1) CON 16 (+3)

INT 9 (-1) WIS 9 (-1) CHA 14 (+2)

Saving Throws: Constitution +5, Charisma (+4)

Skills: Survival +6

Damage Immunities: Non-magical slashing, piercing and bludgeoning. Such attacks pass through her as if she were a shadow, leaving no lasting effect.

Senses: Darkvision 60 ft.

Languages: Japanese, Old Japanese, Youkai

Challenge: 5


Multiattack: Rumia makes one claw attack and one bite attack.

Claw: Despite her childlike appearance, Rumia's claws are capable of shearing through even steel armour. Melee weapon attack. +6 to hit, 2d6+4 slashing.

Bite: Rumia's teeth have devoured countless humans. Melee weapon attack. +6 to hit, 1d8+4 piercing.

Darkness: Nothing is scarier than that which is unseen. Rumia can cause an area to fill with darkness. Using this ability has the same effect as a Darkness spell cast with a 7th level spell slot, but does not require components.