
(This page needs to be revised)

"It's too bad. I'm in a different class from you guys. No youkai or god can scare me! I'll show you that recklessness is bravery!"

Cirno is the Fairy of Ice, and she embodies the natural cold. She's a brash, simple-minded girl who is often off on some adventure and trying to prove that she's the strongest of all. Her antics are often met with amusement by those older and wiser than her, and occasionally degrees of concern when she actually manages to go beyond what is expected of her.

Despite her loud-mouthed ways, bold proclamations and personal foolishness, she's still not one to be underestimated. She has decades of practice behind her, and her proudest achievement, her "Perfect Freeze" allows her to freeze anything, from knives, to magical projectiles and even fireballs. In addition to this, her sheer stubbornness and determination allows her to outlast her opponent, and her fairy nature renders her functionally immortal, so long as she doesn't get disheartened and give up on whatever goal she had.

(Additional Abilities)


Small Fey (Fairy), chaotic neutral

AC: 13

HP: 99

Speed: 30 ft., 30 ft. flying (hover)

STR 12 (+1) DEX 12 (+1) CON 18 (+4)

INT 9 (-1) WIS 9 (-1) CHA 16 (+3)

Saving Throws: Constitution, Charisma

Skills: Athletics, Nature

Damage Immunities: Cold

Condition Immunities:

Languages: Japanese

Challenge: 11


Eternal: When a fairy would be killed, it instead disappears, and will return to full strength at its place of birth at next dawn.

Embodiments of Nature: Fairies can cause natural phenomena to occur by performing rituals they associate with that occurrence. These can take anywhere from a few minutes to an hour, and the effects can be anything relating to nature; flowers blooming, trees growing, and seemingly dead plants coming back to life.

Fairy Gang: Instead of moving on her own turn, a fairy may delay her movement, and move as a reaction to an allied fairy within 15 ft. moving before the beginning of her next turn.

Motivation (3/day, recharge 6): When Cirno would be killed, she may instantly resurrect herself at a point within 30 ft. of her. She regains all of her HP and removes all conditions that were upon her.


Multiattack: Cirno makes three attacks with Icicle Shot.

Icicle Shot: Ranged magic attack. 120 ft. range, +8 to hit, 2d8+5 magical piercing damage.


Perfect Freeze: When Cirno would take damage from an attack, spell or ability, she may take no damage from that source. If the attack was made with a weapon, the weapon is frozen, and rendered useless until thawed.