Flight Mages

Post date: Mar 16, 2019 9:08:57 AM

I went ahead and made a quick Wizard archetype, the Flight Mage, based off of Youjo Senki/The Saga of Tanya the Evil, representing the Imperial Flight mages.

Thematically, I recommend the spells Shield, Mage Armor and Fly, especially after level 6 where you can add in Expeditious Retreat, Blur, Invisibility or Haste to your flying. The "smite" damage of Imbued Rounds might seem high at first, but it's in competition with spells like Fireball and Disintegrate, and also has to contend with requiring a hit roll at lower levels. It's also got superior range to any spell, and can't be Counterspelled to make up for its lower damage compared to those spells.

I considered a mechanic for combined spells, but I felt that that would be too fiddly. I'd just recommend combining the levels of the spell slots that each mage expends into the one spell, maybe with an extra +1 level for each mage participating, and cast a spell at that level.

That said, I used a wizard to get the best mechanical effects; I'm aware that most of the mages' abilities comes from what are, effectively, magical items. Magical flight equipment, a rifle that doubles as a magic staff, and a core that empowers their abilities.

I think I might make these into magical items, designed for use by Eldritch Knight Fighters (and Paladins, I guess, as much as Tanya doesn't want to be one).

Also, I did a first draft of Girls Frontline fairy effects. I'm not satisfied with all of them yet, but I wanted a first draft done.