Ran Yakumo

"Naturally; equations themselves are shikigami. Just as equations that neither diverge nor converge produce an infinite number of solid objects, so do the equations Lady Yukari uses to increase my power indefinitely. I therefore act as the equations command."

Ran Yakumo is both a controller of shikigami, as well as a shikigami herself. She's a nine-tailed fox in service to Yukari Yakumo, as well as Chen's master.

In addition to the already mythical magical power of a nine-tailed fox, she is further empowered by her connection to her mistress. As a result, she is one of the most powerful beings to wield magic.

She possesses a brilliant mind, which she often turns to such things as mathematics and its applications. As Yukari spends much time sleeping, Ran has much spare time with which to unravel the mysteries of the world.

She is completely subservient to Yukari, taking care of most of her duties and acting in her stead while she hibernates. She can be found anywhere that her duties take her. She's typically a reasonable and peaceful person, unless it comes to protecting Yukari or Chen.

(A number of Ran's abilities reference Chen and Yukari Yakumo)

Ran Yakumo

Medium beast (Fox), lawful good

AC: 24

HP: 999

Speed: 40 ft., 60 ft. flying (hover)

STR 20 (+5) DEX 17 (+3) CON 22 (+6)

INT 28 (+9) WIS 22 (+6) CHA 21 (+5)

Saving Throws: Constitution +15, Intelligence +18, Wisdom +15, Charisma +14

Skills: Animal Handling +15, Arcana +18, Deception +14, History +18, Insight +15, Investigation +18, Medicine +15, Nature +18, Perception +15, Religion +18, Sleight of Hand +12

Damage Immunities: Non-magical bludgeoning, slashing and piercing damage, force, necrotic, poison, psychic

Condition Immunities: Charmed, Exhaustion, Petrified, Poisoned

Senses: Blindsight 120 ft.

Languages: All

Challenge: 30+


High Magic Immunity: A master of magic, Ran has lived for hundreds of years and weathered all the spells the world can throw at her. Ran may choose to remain unaffected by spells of 7th level or below. She also has advantage on saving throws against spells and magical effects.

Innate Spellcasting: As a nine-tailed fox, Ran possesses extreme magical power, further reinforced by her Shikigami bond, allowing her to control magic as she pleases. Ran knows all spells. She has a spell attack modifier of +18, and a spell save DC of 26.

She may cast spells of 5th level and below at will, as if using up to a 5th level spell slot.

For higher level spells, she has the following number of spell slots:

6th: 3

7th: 3

8th: 2

9th: 1

She recovers all expended spell slots after a long rest.

Legendary Resistance (5/day): Through her considerable experience and power, Ran can shrug off all but the most concentrated efforts to subdue her. When Ran fails a saving throw, she may choose to succeed instead.

Perfect Calculation: Ran's brilliant mind can process even the most intricate equations in an instant. Ran can perform any mathematical feat as a free action. Additionally, she has a perfect memory.

Probability Practice: Everything in the world contributes to mathematical probability. Thus, using her mathematical skill, Ran is even able to predict future events to some extent. Attacks against Ran are made with disadvantage.

Ran has advantage on Dexterity saving throws.

Ran cannot be surprised.

Shikigami Possession: As powerful as Ran is, she is ultimately subservient to a more powerful master, Yukari Yakumo, and can be lent some of her master's power when required. Ran is the shikigami of Yukari Yakumo. If Yukari is on the same plane as Ran, she can empower Ran as a bonus action. Whilst empowered this way, Ran gains +3 to her AC, +4 to her spell attack rolls, +4 to her spell save DC, an additional 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th level spell slot. She may use "Shikigami "Protection of Zenki and Goki" ". She automatically rerolls all damage dice that are below average.

True Darkvision: A Youkai is born of night, and the darkness holds no secrets from them. Ran can see perfectly in both magical and nonmagical darkness.

Truesight: Ran's magical power allows her to easily see through magical illusions. Ran's sight is truesight.


Multiattack: Ran makes two claw attacks.

Claw: Melee weapon attack. +11 to hit, 2d8+5 slashing damage, 3d6 fire damage.

Shikigami "Chen": A Shikigami is never far from their master's side. Ran summons Chen to a point within 120 ft. of herself. She may then have Chen be immediately empowered through her "Shikigami Possession" feature.

Shikigami "Protection of Zenki and Goki": Summoning and binding another to one's will is a clear sign of power. May only be used when empowered by Yukari using her Shikigami Possession feature. Ran summons Zenki and Goki, Yukari's familiars, to a point within 60 ft. of herself.

Empower Chen: If Chen is within 120 ft. of Ran, Ran may empower Chen through Chen's "Shikigami Possession" feature.

Legendary Actions (5 uses):

Spell: Ran casts a spell of 3rd level or lower.

Overpower (uses 2 actions): Ran casts a spell of 5th level or lower.

Spinning Attack: Ran flings Chen. Chen immediately flies up to 60 ft., and may immediately make a multiattack.