
The spirits of dead humans who haven't realised that they have died, or are unwilling to accept their deaths. They appear to be the same as they did when they were alive, and can still interact with the world as they did when they were alive. A ghost is unable to cross the Sanzu river.

Some ghosts hold grudges, and will use their appearance to deceive the living and exact their revenge.

The only way to get rid of a ghost is to hold a burial ceremony, conducted by an exorcist.


A ghost will be the same as it was in life, with the following changes:

Its creature type becomes "Undead".

It gains immunity to non-magical slashing, bludgeoning and piercing attacks.

When a ghost is killed, it will disappear, reforming at its body in 24 hours. It regains all of its hit points.

If the body is given a proper burial, which must be conducted by a specialist, such as a member of the clergy, a paladin, or a priest/priestess, the ghost is banished to the afterlife.