
Towards the top of Youkai Mountain dwell the Tengu, a society of Youkai who favor high places, and highly value the use of information. While their appearance varies between each section, they are all known for wearing small tokin hats.

Societal Roles

Tengu society is divided into several castes, made up of a different kind of Tengu. The society functions much like a large corporation, with each type of Tengu responsible for a different position.

At the top is Lord Tenma, the Boss of the Tengu, who runs Tengu society.

The Great Tengu are the managers, who organize things under Lord Tenma's orders.

The Crow Tengu are the information-gatherers, characterized by their black wings.

Long-nose Tengu take care of business, and are rarely seen by outsiders.

The White Wolf Tengu are the defense force, seen with their white fur and red eyes.

The Yamabushi Tengu are the ones who print the papers.

Control of Information

To the Tengu, information is far more important than any other kind of power. Much of their society revolves around collecting, controlling and distributing information. They are able to have the most knowledge about current events through the information gathering skills of the Crow Tengu, and are then able to decide what parts of their findings they wish to make known to the public. As a result of this, while the Tengu themselves are not individually the most dangerous of Youkai, they are one of the ones to be most wary of, as one's reputation can be made or broken by a few words with one of them. This is particularly the case among Youkai, who, being immortal, do not fear physical injury, but can still be affected by rumors and slander.

Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence score increases by 1.

Age. Tengu are created whole as youkai. They can continue to exist forever, appearing at the same age.

Alignment. Tengu live in a structured society. They tend towards the lawful alignment.

Size. Tengu tend to be a little over 5 feet tall, though many wear footwear called tengu geta, a sandal with a single slat that raises them several inches higher. Your size is Medium.

Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

Languages. You can speak, read and write both Japanese/Common and Tengu.

Subrace. Choose whether you are a Crow Tengu or a White Wolf Tengu.

Crow Tengu

Wings to Fly

Crow Tengu are gifted with a pair of black wings sprouting from their backs, and prize their ability to fly freely highly.

Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 2.

Flight. You have a flying speed of 60 feet. You cannot use this speed while wearing any armor.

Language. You know one additional language of your choice.

White Wolf Tengu

Mountain Guardians

White Wolf Tengu are the fierce warriors of the Tengu. They take pride in their skills at fighting as well as showing a level of disdain for those who cannot defend themselves.

Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by 2.

Brave. You have advantage on saving throws to resist being frightened.

Guard Training: You gain proficiency with the scimitar and shield. You add your proficiency bonus to skill tests when playing strategic board games, such as shogi, and when you make a roll related to tactics or strategy.

Wolf Sense. You have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) tests that rely on smell, and gain blindsight at up to 5 ft.