
There are many different kinds of people in Gensokyo. In a more broad sense, they can be divided into "Humans" and "Non-Humans". Among the non-humans, there are a few distinct types, such as Youkai, Fairies and Gods. "Youkai" covers most supernatural creatures, but some of these are recurring enough that they have their own distinction, such as Tengu, Kappa and Magicians.

The Humans of Gensokyo are largely concentrated around the Human Village. Technology has not progressed much since Gensokyo was cut off from the human world, and so, they are a superstitious people. Of course, in Gensokyo, superstitions are usually true.

While most Humans are content to keep their heads down and go about their day to day lives, some Humans learn how to fight Youkai. Whether by divine power, magic, or enchanted weapons, these individuals pose a serious threat to most Youkai. Additionally, even though they fight Youkai to protect Humans, they are often shunned by the people who they protect, who usually see them as troublemakers rather than saviours.