Youmu Konpaku

"Lady Yuyuko, give me some instructions."

"Well then, first, please become my shield."

"Understood. Then I will be the hardest shield in all the Netherworld."

(This page needs to be revised)

Youmu Konpaku is a half-phantom who serves Yuyuko Saigyouji as a gardener and swordsmanship instructor, as well as her right hand when it comes to action. She's still quite young, and thinks and acts in a straightforward manner which causes her to become easily confused by her mistress's antics, as well as the words of others. Regardless, she is completely loyal to Yuyuko.

When it comes to combat, however, she is a skilled swordsman, fighting with two swords: her katana, the Roukanken, a blade forged by Youkai that can cut through almost anything, and a wakizashi, the Hakurouken, the heirloom of the Konpaku family, which is able to dispel confusion, making it useful in sending ghosts to the afterlife by causing them to realise their death.

She typically runs errands for her mistress, along with looking after the expansive garden of Hakugyoukurou. She's often confused by her mistress' orders, but follows them loyally, to the best of her ability. She doesn't show much initiative, either, and is unable to adapt to complex situations outside of fighting.

Youmu Konpaku

Medium humanoid (Half-phantom), lawful neutral

AC: 15

HP: 167

Speed: 55 ft., 40 ft. flying (hover)

STR 14 (+2) DEX 22 (+6) CON 16 (+3)

INT 11 (+0) WIS 9 (-1) CHA 10 (+0)

Saving Throws: Dexterity +11, Constitution +6, Wisdom +4, Charisma +2

Skills: Athletics +7, Acrobatics +11, Perception +3, Intimidation +2, Performance +5

Damage Resistances: All other than radiant.

Senses: Truesight 60 ft., darkvision 60 ft.

Languages: Japanese

Challenge: 15


Phantom Half: Youmu's phantom half appears as a ghostly white orb that follows her human half everywhere.

Damage to either is applied to Youmu's total HP. However, if both are within the area of effect of a spell or ability that deals damage, Youmu only takes damage once.

Conditions applied to either half only affect that half.

The Phantom Half and Human Half may both move independently, but must remain within 30 ft. of one another. If they are forcibly separated further, they must attempt to move until they are within 30 ft. of each other again.

The Phantom Half may teleport to the Human Half as a bonus action.

Youmu's human form and her phantom form may both take an action and a bonus action during her turn, and both may make a reaction in between her turns.

Evasion: When Youmu is affected by an effect that allows her to make a Dexterity saving throw to halve the damage taken, she instead takes no damage if she passes the saving throw, and half damage if she fails.

Footwork: Youmu may take the dash, dodge or disengage actions as a bonus action.

Pure Mind: Youmu can use a bonus action to dispel herself or another creature within 5 ft. of her of the charmed, frightened, invisible or paralyzed conditions. She removes as many of these conditions as she chooses.


Spirit, "Secret of Life and Death": Youmu can use an action to cause the phantom half to take upon the same form as her human half. While in this form, rather than acting independently, it copies every move Youmu makes. If Youmu makes an attack, each of her hits counts as two hits. If she scores a critical hit, she counts as scoring two critical hits.

Human Half


Dual Wielding Style: Youmu can draw or stow two weapons when she would normally be able to draw or stow only one. She can also change her grip on a versatile weapon whenever she draws or stows a weapon. Youmu cannot be disarmed, regardless of her condition.

Flash (3/day, recharge 4-6): If Youmu takes the dash action twice in a single turn, her movement is doubled, then doubled again. She may only move in a straight line while doing this. She ignores any movement penalties caused by difficult terrain while doing this She does not have to move the full distance of her move.

Hell Realm Sword "200 Yojana in 1 Slash": If Youmu uses Flash, she may make an attack against any number of creatures in the direct line between her starting point and her destination. These attacks deal an additional 7 thunder damage.


Multiattack: If Youmu's human half takes the attack action during her turn, she makes 3 attacks. These may be comprised of attacks with either of the Roukanken or the Hakurouken.

If all of these attacks are made using the Roukanken, she may use a bonus action to cause each deal 2d10+10 instead of 2d8+9 damage.

If all of these attacks are made using the Hakurouken, she may then use a bonus action to make two more attacks with the Hakurouken.

Otherwise, she may use a bonus action to make an attack with the Hakurouken.

Roukanken: Melee weapon attack. +14 to hit, deals 2d8+9 slashing damage. Attacks made with this weapon ignore all resistances and immunities. Additionally, if a creature that does not have resistance or immunity to magical slashing damage takes damage from this weapon, it takes an additional 5 damage.

Hakurouken: Melee weapon attack. +14 to hit, deals 2d6+9 slashing or piercing damage. If Youmu would make an attack with this weapon, she may instead forfeit the attack to grant herself +2 to her own AC until the beginning of her next turn.

If an attack against her from a creature within 15 ft. of her misses due to the increase in AC from the Hakurouken, she may use Enemy Perception "6-root Cleansing".


Enemy Perception "6-root Cleansing" (Recharge 5-6): As a reaction to having an attack miss her due to the increase in AC from using her Hakurouken (above), Youmu's human half may counterattack the creature who missed her. That creature is immediately stunned until the beginning of its next turn. Youmu immediately makes up to 2 attacks against that creature using the Roukanken. That creature's turn then ends.

Phantom Half


Ethereal: Youmu's Phantom Half can pass through up to 10 ft. of non-magical obstructions. It suffers no penalty to its movement for passing through non-magical difficult terrain.

It takes no damage from non-magical slashing, piercing and bludgeoning damage.


Multiattack: Youmu's Phantom Half makes two Shot attacks.

Shot: Ranged magic attack. 120 ft. range. +9 to hit, deals 2d6+5 necrotic damage.