Tengu Reporter

Skill Proficencies: History, Persuasion

Tool Proficencies: Cameras

Languages: Tengu

Equipment: A Basic Tengu Camera, ceremonial Tengu clothing, public Tengu clothing, ceremonial sword, pen, notebook, 10 gp.

Feature: As a reporter, you have a contact who is able to inform you of any recent events of note.

Personality Traits:

  1. I have an idol that I aspire to be like.
  2. I want to use my words to spread the truth about the world.
  3. I'm always writing in my notebook, keeping in mind everything I come across.
  4. I like to make the people I talk to feel good about themselves.
  5. My first reaction to danger is to take notes and pictures.
  6. I have a long list of anecdotes from previous articles for every situation.


  1. Truth. I always endeavor to get to the bottom of any mystery. (Neutral)
  2. Voice. I use my works to give voice to those who can't speak for themselves. (Good)
  3. Power. Knowledge is power. I use my position to obtain and distribute information as I see fit. (Evil)
  4. Thrill. I seek out the most dangerous of cases in order to test my wits and skills. (Chaotic)
  5. Employment. I do my job as is required of me by my society. (Lawful)


  1. I have a mentor who taught me everything I know. I owe them for their teachings.
  2. I'm looking for information on a particular person or event. I can't rest until I find out everything.
  3. I found some information I wasn't meant to, and now people are looking to silence me.
  4. I have a rival who is always just one step ahead of me. I want to beat them in some way.


  1. I am intolerant of those who would use and manipulate the truth to their own ends, and I can't keep my mouth shut when I see this happen.
  2. I write scathing reviews of those I dislike in my articles, even if those people would seek revenge for my doing so.
  3. I let myself get into arguments with those who have different opinions to me.
  4. I'm always in a rush to be the first one to get a scoop, and I often neglect to enjoy more peaceful moments in life.
  5. I don't give up on following a lead, even if it gets me and others into trouble.
  6. I don't care what other people think of my writing, and neglect the opinions and input of anyone else.