
Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases by 2 and your Charisma score increases by 1.

Age. As a Youkai, you do not age.

Alignment. Tanuki are mischievous individuals, but can also work together, as well as alongside other races if needed. They do not tend towards any particular alignment.

Size. Tanuki tend to be Humanoid in appearance. Your size is medium.

Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

Languages. You speak Common/Japanese, Tanuki, Youkai, and another language of your choice.

Shapeshifter. As an action, you can change your appearance to mimic that of another humanoid of medium size or smaller. Your equipment does not change, though you can appear to be wearing different clothing. You can attempt to change your appearance however you like, but you can only replicate a person you have seen.

Smoke and Leaves. As a reaction to being hit by an attack, you may disappear in a puff of thick smoke. The attack misses you, and you may teleport up to 20 ft. away. You may only use this feature once, and recover your use of it at the end of a long rest.