Assault Rifle

Assault Rifle

Hit Points

Hit Dice: 1d10 per Assault Rifle level.

Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + your Constitution modifier.

Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + your Constitution modifier per Assault Rifle level after 1st.


Armour: Light and medium armour

Weapons: One Assault Rifle of your choice

Tools: One of your choice

Saving Throws: Dexterity, Charisma

Skills: Two of your choice

Combat Ability

Choose one of the following abilities.

    • Grenade Launcher. Single. Instead of making an attack, choose a point within 60 ft. of yourself to fire your grenade. Creatures within 10 ft. of that point must make a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw, suffering 3 times your weapon's damage in bludgeoning damage on a failure and half as much as that on a success. At 6th level, the DC is increased to 16 and the damage increased to 5 times. At 10th level, the DC is increased to 19 and the damage increased to 9 times.
    • Assault Focus. This turn, you may make an additional attack. At 6th level, this is increased to two additional attacks. At 10th level, this is increased to three additional attacks.
    • Damage Focus. This turn, your attacks deal twice as much damage. At 6th level, this is increased to three times. At 10th level, this is increased to four times.

You may use your chosen ability once. You recover your expended use when you roll initiative or finish a short or long rest.


At 2nd level, you gain access to five accessories: Optical Sight, Holographic Sight, Red Dot Sight, Suppressor and Night Battle Equipment. You may choose one to equip.

    • Optical Sight. You score critical hits on a 19 or a 20.
    • Holographic Sight. Your attacks have an additional +1 to hit and deal +1 damage.
    • Red Dot Sight. Your attacks have an additional +2 to hit.
    • Suppressor. Firing while hidden does not immediately give away your position. (Enemies who see the attack may still make a Wisdom (Perception) test to spot you.)
    • Night Battle Equipment. You treat dim light as bright light, and darkness as dim light for the purposes of making attacks.

At the end of a short or long rest, you may choose a different accessory to equip.

Improved Accessory

At 5th level, your accessories are improved:

    • Optical Sight. You now score critical hits on an 18, 19 or 20.
    • Holographic Sight. This accessory now gives you a total additional +2 to hit and deal +2 damage.
    • Red Dot Sight. This accessory now gives you a total additional +4 to hit.
    • Suppressor. You may take the hide action as a bonus action. You score critical hits on a 19 or 20 against targets that you are hidden from.
    • Night Battle Equipment. You gain Darkvision up to 300 ft.

Magazine Upgrade

At 6th level, your bullets are more damaging. Your attacks deal +2 damage.

Body Upgrade

At 8th level, you are more adept at agile movement now. You gain +2 to your AC.