Reimu, Marisa, Mooks

Post date: Oct 6, 2017 2:25:46 PM

Got up a first version of Reimu and Marisa, as well as some rules for Ghosts and Phantoms.

I feel like Reimu and Marisa will need some revision in the future, but I think I got a lot of their important features.

Magicians seem particularly tricky, because of how savvy people can put spells together in stupid ways. Marisa is alright, since she likes to stick to explosive spells, but I'm a little worried about making Parchouli. Then again, an important part of running a Touhou game, or a game in general, is to determine what abilities the characters will use at an appropriate player level.

For Reimu, I keep feeling like I'm just giving her big numbers, but I also want her to be appropriately powerful. Well, she does have a seven-hit kill and invulnerability, so there's that. Speaking of which, I think Fantasy Heaven and Fantasy Nature are actually different translations of the same ability, but it's called Fantasy Heaven in the fighting games, where its a one-hit kill, and Fantasy Nature in Imperishable Night, where it makes Reimu invulnerable, so I'm going with that.

It turns out that Ghosts are basically Revenants, which ended up making things simple.

Phantoms, on the other hand, should make for a relatively easy non-physical encounter. They're not too dangerous, but they're immune to physical attacks.

Anyway, I want to round out the basic mooks, since I'm planning on running a game of my own soon. I've also got an outline for Raiko done; it actually uses the early idea I had for implementing spell cards, before I realised that it made combats too tedious. It should work well for an EX boss though.