Spend Money on the New Year Girl

Post date: Jan 3, 2018 11:23:27 AM

After taking a rather long break, I decided to get back into this project after Antinomy of Common Flowers was released. Whilst watching a gameplay video, I loved how Jo'on Yorigami moved, and I was inspired to make her in D&D.

I saw her as being a fast moving melee fighter, similar to the D&D monk. This is, of course, only her combat stats; while she is able to manipulate people into spending money on her, that's up to the DM of a game to do.

Compared to the other fist fighters, Ichirin, Meiling and Byakuren, she lacks the raw power of Ichirin, the ranged options of Meiling, or the magic of Byakuren. However, she's got good maneuvering instead. Compared to Byakuren, who can move around the whole battlefield quickly, Jo'on is better at evading attacks while remaining close to the enemy.

For all four, their strengths will be as follows:

  • Ichirin will do massive damage with each strike, and be the most durable of the four.
  • Meiling will be the most flexible, able to switch between close quarters and ranged combat at will.
  • Byakuren will have the greatest speed, and be able to avoid getting attacked by keeping out of range, while moving in for her own strikes. She'll also be reliant on maintaining buffs on herself, and so will be vulnerable to Dispel Magic effects and Mage Slayer strikes; with her buff active, she'll be the strongest of the four, but losing them will make her the weakest.
  • Jo'on has the most survival skills, and the second most speed, allowing her to bully a target of her choice. She'll be the best against a single opponent, but suffers if her opponents team up against her.

All this comparing is making me want to make every monster of the same CR, and see if I can balance them in different ways. I might do a "Fighting Game" edition for certain characters, so that they can participate in combat at an equal level. But that's for a later time.