
Rules that apply to all T-dolls.

Name. T-dolls are typically named after whatever weapon they are programmed to equip. However, many also take on nicknames, derived from their official designation.

Ability Score Increase. T-dolls have a +2 to Dexterity and a +1 to Constitution.

Age. T-dolls are artificial constructs. They do not age, and can potentially live forever, provided they are well maintained.

Alignment. T-dolls are almost universally lawful, though there are a few that are not.

Size. T-dolls are created in the image of humans. They have a medium size.

Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

Languages. T-dolls speak two languages of their choice.

A.I. Backup. Typically, a T-doll that is part of an organisation has her A.I. backed up. If she dies, a new body may be created for her, and her A.I. uploaded to it, effectively allowing her to live again.

Combat Training. You may take the dash or disengage actions as a bonus action. You may also use your bonus action to gain a +3 to hit that turn, or to improve your AC by 2 until the beginning of your next turn.

Cybernetic Body. T-dolls have mechanical bodies. They have resistance to bludgeoning damage and immunity to poison. They are immune to the poisoned condition, and have advantage on saving throws to resist being stunned. However, there are cyber attacks that do not affect living beings but will affect machines.

Dummy Link. At 2nd level, a T-doll has developed enough to allow her to control an additional body. If she has a body of the same model as herself, she may Dummy Link with it, gaining control over it and treating it as an exact copy of herself. Each of a T-doll's bodies must remain within 30 ft. of one another. If one is moved beyond this distance, she must choose which to lose control over until they are moved back within range. Bodies she gives up control over are incapacitated.

T-dolls gain another Dummy Link at 3rd, 7th and 9th levels.

Unless stated otherwise, a T-doll's skill that affects herself will also affect all of her dummies. Those that are only used by or affect one body are tagged with "Single".

M1A1 has the Damage Focus ability and three bodies. When she uses it, it will affect all three of her bodies, provided that they are all still within 30 ft. of each other body.

UMP45 has the Smoke Grenade ability and three bodies. However, Smoke Grenade is has the "Single" tag, so only one of her bodies has to use an action to use the ability. Her other two bodies can act as normal on that turn.

Abilities that can only be used once can only be used once, regardless of how many dummies a T-doll has.

Vector has the Incendiary Grenade skill, which is a Single skill, and three bodies. She can have body 1, 2 or 3 use the skill. Once she has had any of them use it, she can no longer use it with any of them until she regains the use of that ability.

Laws of Robotics. After the catastrophe involving the Sangvis Ferri androids, newer T-dolls have been fitted with a set of rules to prevent them from turning on humanity, based off of Asimov's Laws of Robotics.

  1. A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.
  2. A robot must obey orders given it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.

Military dolls often have modified versions of these rules. They follow their chain of command, following orders from superiors over those of civilians. Some are modified so that they do not have to listen to non-military personnel. The first law may even be removed completely in some circumstances, or modified to allow a T-doll to attack certain groups; this is sometimes done by having orders take priority over the basic laws. It is up to the DM to decide what different dolls are capable of doing.

Option: Experimental Model. A T-doll may be deemed an experimental model. These are given much more complex A.I.s, but are much more difficult to replace.

An experimental model adds gains 4 points to add to any of her ability scores, and gains a feat of her choice. She also loses the A.I. backup feature.