Doremy Sweet (Dream)

Doremy Sweet

Medium aberration (Baku), lawful neutral

AC: 27

HP: 869

Speed: 120 ft.



Saving Throws: Wisdom +9, Charisma +7

Skills: Insight +9, Investigation +8, Nature +8, Perception +9, Religion+8

Damage Immunities: All.

Condition Immunities: All.

Senses: Darkvision, truesight

Languages: Japanese, Old Japanese, Youkai, Lunarian

Challenge: 30


Dream Lord: Doremy is the Ruler of Dreams. While within the Dream World, she is able to change whatever she likes about it at will, other than directly affecting another creature.

She can deny entry and exit to and from the Dream World, as well as forcibly expel someone.

Dream Power: Doremy gains power from being within a dream.

Firstly, she recovers 80 hit points at the beginning of each of her turns.

She is omniscient within the Dream World; she knows everything that occurs within it.

She may choose to have a spell of 8th level or below cast while within the Dream World to fail.

She can create the image of living creatures as well, though they are not sentient and act as Doremy wills. She can also teleport herself and other creatures within the Dream World to any location within the Dream World at will.

High Magic Immunity: Doremy is immune to the effects of all spells other than the Wish spell.


Anything: Doremy causes whatever she wants to happen to happen, so long as its effects are entirely confined to the Dream World.