Zenki and Goki

"Well now, go, my cute little familiars. Take the sacred offerings and cross the sunlight, the rain, and the storm, and then seek out the sage."

Zenki and Goki are two of Yukari's servants, a pair of Oni who Yukari often keeps in the form of crows.

Both have the same statistics.


Large fiend (Oni), chaotic evil

AC: 16

HP: 120

Speed: 30 ft., 30 ft. flying (hover)

STR 22 (+6) DEX 15 (+2) CON 19 (+4)

INT 7 (-2) WIS 9 (-1) CHA 13 (+1)

Saving Throws: Strength +10, Constitution +8

Skills: Athletics +10, Intimidation +5

Damage Resistances: Fire

Damage Immunities: Non-magical slashing, piercing and bludgeoning

Condition Immunities: Exhausted, frightened, stunned

Languages: Japanese, Old Japanese, Youkai, Oni



Brute Strength: They have advantage on Strength ability checks. Their attacks are also considered to be dealing magical damage for the purpose of overcoming resistances and immunities.

Minor Magic Immunity: They may choose to remain unaffected by spells of 3rd level or below.


Multiattack: It makes two cleaver attacks and one punch attack.

Cleaver: Melee weapon attack. +10 to hit, 3d8+6 slashing damage.

Punch: Melee weapon attack. +10 to hit, 2d8+7 bludgeoning damage.