Fujiwara no Mokou

"It's 'cause I've lived too long."

Fujiwara no Mokou is a human who lives in the Bamboo Forest of the Lost. She has attained immortality through consuming the Hourai Elixir, and has lived for thousands of years, unable to die.

She spends her time guiding humans out of the forest, and is a relatively reasonable and almost friendly person, if one of few words. She can seem at time like an effeminate male. Her main sore point is the Lunar Princess, Kaguya Houraisan, who she seeks revenge upon for humiliating her father.

She's friendly with Keine Kamishirasawa and Sumireko Usami. She despises Kaguya Houraisan.

Author's Notes

Fujiwara no Mokou

Medium humanoid (Human), neutral

AC: 12

HP: 316

Speed: 30 ft., 30 ft. flying (hover)

STR 8 (-1) DEX 9 (-1) CON 10 (+0)

INT 12 (+1) WIS 15 (+2) CHA 19 (+4)

Saving Throws: Wisdom +8, Charisma +10

Skills: Arcana +7, History +7, Intimidation +10, Nature +8, Perception +8, Survival +8

Languages: Japanese, Old Japanese

Challenge: 17


Ignition: In a reckless disregard for her own safety, Mokou wreathes herself in flame, empowering her attacks even as her body burns away to nothing. Mokou may use a bonus action to light herself on fire. While ignited, at the beginning of each of her turns, she takes 50 fire damage and all other creatures within 20 ft. take 10 fire damage.

Additionally, she ignores resistance to fire damage, and treats creatures with immunity to fire damage as having resistance to fire damage.

Mokou may also re-roll damage die that result in a 1 or 2 when rolling for fire damage.

She may use a bonus action to end Ignition.

Immortal: The power of the Hourai Elixir remders Mokou immortal, healing even mortal injuries even as she burns. At the beginning of Mokou's turns, she recovers 30 HP.

Phoenix: An immortal can never be killed for good, and Mokou embraces this aspect of herself, appearing with burning wings as she takes on the appearance of the mythical phoenix. Whenever Mokou is killed, she immediately returns to life in a new body within 60 ft. of where she was killed. She regains all of her HP and removes all conditions that were upon her, but suffers a -2 to all her rolls and DCs until she takes a long rest. This penalty is cumulative.

She may also cause each creature within 30 ft. of where she appears to make a DC 20 Dexterity saving throw. A creature that fails takes 10d6 fire damage, while a creature that passes takes half as much damage.


Multiattack: Mokou makes four attacks with Firebolt.

Firebolt: Mokou's attacks, powered by her own life, are far more potent than her magical skill would suggest. Ranged magic attack. +10 to hit. Roll 4d6. On a hit, the target takes that much fire damage. Whether the attack hit or not, Mokou takes half that much fire damage.

Multiattack: Mokou makes three Flame Attacks.

Flame Attack: Mokou sets one of her limbs alight and strikes a blow with the force of a fireball. Melee weapon attack. +5 to hit, 1 bludgeoning damage. Roll 4d8. If the attack hit, the target takes that much fire damage. Whether the attack hits or not, Mokou takes half as much damage.

Multiattack (1/day, recharge 4-6): Mokou makes six attacks with Imperishable Shooting.

Imperishable Shooting: Mokou unleashes an all-out barrage of fire, immolating everything around her. Ranged magic attack. +10 to hit. Roll 6d6. If the attack hit, the target takes that much fire damage. Whether the attack hit or not, Mokou takes half as much damage as what was rolled.

Immortal "Fire Bird -Flying Phoenix-": A wave of fire bursts from Mokou, reminding her opponents not to stand too close to the flame. All creatures within 30 ft. of Mokou must make a DC 20 Constitution save. On a failure, those creatures take 10d6+40 fire damage, and half as much on a success. Mokou automatically fails this saving throw.

Regeneration: Even the most grotesque injuries are quickly healed through the power of the Hourai Elixir. Mokou regrows all lost limbs, extremities, etc., and recovers from the blinded, deafened, incapacitated, poisoned and stunned conditions.

Legendary Actions (2 uses):

Spontaneous Combustion: No longer fearing death, it suddenly becomes preferable to many alternatives. Mokou engulfs herself in flame, and is killed instantly.