Difficult Characters

Post date: Nov 1, 2017 12:05:21 AM

So, while designing a number of characters, I'm finding myself frustrated by the lack of information on certain characters, or perhaps by an inability to find an interesting gimmick for them. For less powerful characters, this isn't so much of a problem, but for the more powerful ones, I feel like I'm making them functionally more dangerous just by giving them bigger numbers.

So, I'll list here a number of characters I'll put off for a while.

  • Okina Matara. While I can list off some of her basic abilities, such as making Youkai and creating backdoors, when it comes to combat, I'd basically just be giving her some high damage attacks. Possibly ones that are hard to avoid.
  • Kasen Ibara. She'd basically just do a lot of damage by punching things, and be able to summon her pets.
  • Hecatia Lapislazuli. I know she has her whole "three bodies" thing, but outside of that, I don't really know a lot about her combat capabilities, other than that she's "completely past the level of anyone in Gensokyo or the Lunar Capital".
  • Eiki Shiki. Again, while she's strong, we don't see her fight outside of PoFV. As a result, I don't think I could make her an interesting fight at this point, without going into a great level of record keeping on each player's sin level.
  • The Watatsuki sisters. Again, these two only do anything in SSiB and CiLR, and not much is shown.
  • Reimu Hakurei. I know I've already had a go at doing her, but it's basically "she's invulnerable" and "has an instant kill". While it fits, it seems boring.
  • Flandre Scarlet. While she will probably have an instant-kill move, the rest of her stats will probably be around the same as Remilia's. I'd like to find a way to make her feel more unique. Additionally, save or die abilities feel cheap.
  • Yuyuko Saigyouji. Again with the save or die effects. I could see her with some kind of gradual effect, like what I did with Raiko.
  • Yukari Yakumo. She's got her gaps, but again, her combat would just be big numbers or something.
  • Sagume Kishin. There isn't much on her combat abilities, but she's supposedly powerful.
  • Eirin Yagokoro. She's really smart, but her drugs seem tricky to implement in an interesting way.
  • Kaguya Houraisan. Very little on what her actual fighting abilities are. If only she'd turned up in SWR.

It's mostly the more powerful characters, since I want to make the fights interesting, but I can't see a way to do that at the moment. Plus, just giving the characters big numbers feels boring, and also cheap.