Ran and Reporter

Post date: Oct 26, 2017 3:57:14 AM

So I ended up getting a few things done. I made Ran, as well as Yukari's servants, Zenki and Goki. On top of that, I had a go at making a Tengu Reporter as a Roguish Archetype option.

So, firstly: Ran. Ran is actually one of the more powerful characters in the setting, although her subservient personality leads her to getting pushed around a lot. In a lot of works, she is paired up with either Yukari, her master, or Chen, her servant. When paired up with Yukari, she just ends up doing whatever she it told, and her own strengths are overshadowed by those of Yukari. When paired up with Chen, she turns into a doting parent, coming off as someone who is far too soft. As a result, she doesn't often get to shine on her own.

Still, this could provide a good twist for a story; as a result of always turning up with one of the other two, she seems a bit useless - until she shows off her own power in a spectacular fashion.

She's meant to be a creature who, in many settings, is the pinnacle of magical power: the nine-tailed fox, often shown as a final boss for the heroes, or a dragon-like threat. On top of that, she is further empowered by Yukari, one of the Youkai Sages who helped create Gensokyo in the first place.

Her power, coupled with her total obedience, means that Yukari can count on her to get done whatever she tells Ran to do.

I also ended up making Zenki and Goki, who first appear in Ran's spellcard in the Perfect Cherry Blossom phantasm stage, and later in Silent Sinner in Blue. They're apparently a pair of Oni who Yukari uses as familiars, having them scout, find information or deliver messages for her.

In D&D, I've given them the statistics of Oni, but with an extra +1 to their proficiency. For their raven forms that they take in SSiB, I imagine Yukari has polymorphed them into a form more convenient to her.

On top of all that, I'll probably write up rules for Shikigami in the future, perhaps adding in additional rules to Chen, Ran, and Zenki and Goki.

Finally, I had a go at making the Tengu Reporter as a roguish archetype. Obviously, they revolve around use of a camera. The camera itself needs to be wound, taking up several parts of a player's turn if they wish to charge it faster.

While the Reporter gets Sneak Attack from using a camera, they must also charge it. If they desire, they can make such an attack every turn, but this requires them to expend their bonus action and their reaction, both of which are important to a Rogue for Cunning Action and Uncanny Dodge, as well as the Reporter's Shoot the Bullet feature.

Ah, also one the Charisma (Investigation) check bonus from Follow the News. One thing that's been turning up in a Tomb of Annihilation game I'm playing is that you'll be asked to make checks on a skill, but it is based off a different attribute. You take your ability modifier from the listed attribute, and add the proficiency bonus of the listed skill. So, you take your Charisma modifier, and add your proficiency bonus from Investigation, if you have one.

In this case, Charisma (Investigation) represents when a character is attempting to obtain information by interacting with other people, as opposed to Intelligence (Investigation), which represents obtaining information by making deductions, and Wisdom (Perception) which is used to obtain information by observation.