

Hit Points

Hit Dice: 1d10 per Handgun level

Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + your Constitution modifier

Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + your Constitution modifier per Handgun level after 1st


Armour: Light and medium armour

Weapons: One handgun of your choice

Tools: Two of your choice

Saving Throws: Dexterity, Charisma

Skills: Perception and two others of your choice

Support Buff

Your presence improves the performance of up to four other T-dolls within 60 ft. of you of your choice. Choose one of the following:

    • Accuracy. Grants +2 to attack rolls. At 6th level, this is increased to +4.
    • Damage. Grants +3 to all damage dealt. At 6th level, this is increased to +5.
    • Evasion. Grants +2 to AC. At 6th level, this is increased to +3.
    • Critical. Count all base attack rolls as being 1 higher than what is rolled. This can prevent critical failures, and cause critical hits. At 6th level, this is increased to 2 higher.

These bonuses remain in effect as long as you are not incapacitated. You may only change the targets of your Support Buff at the end of a long rest. T-dolls with dummies count as a single target for this ability, but only those bodies within 60 ft. of you receive the bonus.


You equip one of the following accessories:

    • Suppressor. Firing while hidden does not immediately give away your position. Enemies who see the attack may make a Wisdom (Perception) test to spot you, however. You gain +1 to your AC.
    • Night Vision Equipment. You gain Darkvision to 600 ft. As an action, you may choose up to two T-dolls within 20 ft. of yourself to give the benefits of this to until the beginning of your next turn.

You may change your accessory at the end of a short or long rest.

Target Link

You are able to link to other T-dolls to adjust their fire more effectively. As a bonus action, you choose a T-doll that you can communicate with. Until the beginning of your next turn, they may fire at targets you can see but they cannot. Penalties to attack rolls as a result of being obscured are calculated based on your own line of sight.

This does not improve the ability of your ally to penetrate walls or other solid objects, which will still resist attacks as usual.

Welrod is targeting an enemy that she is flanking to assist her ally, Negev. From Negev's point of view, the enemy is covered both by thick smoke (cannot see) and behind a low wall that gives it +4 to its AC. Welrod is flanking the enemy, where the smoke is thinner; she can see the enemy, though it is obscured, which would give it +2 to its AC against Welrod's attacks, but Welrod can only see parts of it behind the wall, which would give it +6 AC against her.

Welrod uses Target Link with Negev. Now, Negev can see the enemy, but it still gains +2 AC due to it being obscured from Welrod. It also still has the +4 to its AC, due to the wall between it and Negev. Welrod allows Negev to see the enemy, but the enemy is still behind solid cover.

Combat Ability

You gain the ability to issue one of the following commands:

    • Fire Command. Choose up to four other T-dolls within 600 ft. Until the beginning of your next turn, they may re-roll results of a 1 or 2 for damage dealt, and add +3 to the damage of each of their attacks.
    • Assault Command. Choose up to four other T-dolls within 600 ft. Until the beginning of your next turn, they may make an additional attack when they take the attack action.
    • Annihilation Command. Choose up to four other T-dolls within 600 ft. Until the beginning of your next turn, they add +2 to the damage of each of their attacks, and attack rolls of 16, 17, 18, 19 or 20 count as critical hits.
    • Conceal Command. Choose up to four other T-dolls within 600 ft. Until the beginning of your next turn, they gain +5 to their AC, and all immediately attempt to hide.

You may use your chosen ability once. You recover your expended use when you roll initiative or finish a short or long rest. T-dolls with dummies count as a single target for this ability, and will affect all bodies even if only a single one is within range.

Magazine Upgrade

Your bullets are more lethal. Your attacks deal +2 damage. This is doubled against enemies that do not have any Armour.

Body Upgrade

Choose one of the following:

    • Increase your AC by 2.
    • Increase your AC by 4, and reduce your damage dealt by 4.