Divine Flame

Post date: Nov 4, 2018 5:43:00 AM

Alright, getting back into things with a pretty simple character, Utsuho Reiuji.

I was browsing through the site, looking at games that I hadn't done characters for, and I figured that Utsuho needed to be done.

She's one of the most final boss final bosses of the entire series, and I can't help but think she has to make for a cool fight. I may have to bump her power level up a bit; she only rates as about CR 13, which I feel is a bit low.

I may revise her to have a higher power level for the first few rounds of combat, but burns out fast and has to go for close combat afterwards.

I'm also working on Yukari, as a kind of area-lockdown character, with some melee attacks to back things up.

That's all for today.