Flandre Scarlet

"Look, something on the level of a shooting star is a pushover to me. All I have to do is squeeze it a bit. Really, who cares about one little meteorite? Can't you understand that something like meteorites are meaningless to me? I'd be more scared of falling spears. Actually, I'm more afraid of rain. Ah, and manjuu aren't scary at all."

Flandre Scarlet is the younger sister of Remilia Scarlet, and is similarly a child-like vampire. While her older sister often takes steps to appear refined, Flandre is much simpler, acting like a young child who wants nothing more than to play. However, as a vampire, she still possesses immense power, but she has more difficulty controlling it due to her youth than her sister does. Additionally, she has the ability to destroy anything she wishes, making her an incredibly dangerous individual. As a result, Remilia typically keeps her confined within the Scarlet Devil Mansion. It's not clear what effects being confined this way for nearly half a millennium has had on her mental state, but she's regarded as being dangerous by those who meet her, and treated with care.

As Spell Card rules came about, she found a new way to play with people, and one that poses considerably less risk to her playmate, allowing her to have gradually more freedom and interaction with those outside the mansion.

Flandre Scarlet

Small undead (Vampire), chaotic neutral

AC: 23

HP: 480

Speed: 45 ft., 45 ft. flying (hover)

STR 24 (+7) DEX 24 (+7) CON 22 (+6)

INT 9 (-1) WIS 7 (-2) CHA 13 (+1)

Saving Throws: Strength +13, Constitution +12

Skills: Athletics +13

Damage Resistances: Cold, psychic

Damage Immunities: Non-magical slashing, piercing and bludgeoning, necrotic, poison

Condition Immunities: Charmed, exhaustion, poisoned, stunned

Senses: Darkvision 300 ft.

Languages: Japanese

Challenge: 27


Legendary Resistance (3/day): Vampiric power and manic force of will make Flandre hard to stop. When Flandre fails a saving throw, she may choose to pass it instead.

Regeneration: Even as she allows her body to be torn apart, her Vampiric nature allows it to heal at an incredible pace. At the beginning of each of her turns, Flandre recovers 40 hit points.

Sunlight Weakness: A Vampire's weakness is sunlight, forcing Flandre to take on a misty form to survive and hampering her ability to fight back. If Flandre is exposed to direct sunlight, she evaporates into a mist. While in this form, she may do no action other than move, and gains immunity to the grappled and prone conditions. When she is no longer in direct sunlight, she may reform her body by expending 120 hit points.

Vampiric Power: Vampires are among the strongest and fastest of Youkai, and Flandre's unstable nature only seems to make her even stronger. Flandre has advantage on Strength, Dexterity and Constitution saving throws. Attack rolls against her are made with disadvantage.


Multiattack: Flandre makes four Claw attacks.

Claw: Melee weapon attack. +14 to hit, 3d6+9 slashing damage. This attack counts as being magical for the purposes of overcoming resistances and immunities.

Taboo "Four of a Kind" (1/day): Flamdre splits into four copies of herself, causing chaos in all manner of places at once. Flandre creates three additional copies of herself. Roll initiative for each of the new copies. Divide Flandre's current hit points by four, rounded down. Each of her four copies is created with that many hit points, and a maximum hit point value of 120.

All four copies lose this ability. The number of Legendary Actions each has is reduced to 1.

Each lasts for up to 10 minutes. At the end of 10 minutes, or when Flandre chooses, all but one disappear. The remaining one returns to having a maximum of 480 hit points, and recovers an amount of hit points equal to the sum of the hit points the other copies had when they disappeared. It also regains this ability, though still counts as having used it today.

The number of Legendary Actions it has is returned to 3.

Taboo "Laevatein" (Recharge 5-6): Flandre's signature weapon, Laevatein, annihilates all in front of her. Flandre chooses a 180 degree cone that extends 40 ft. from her. Each creature within this area must make a DC 24 Constitution saving throw. A creature that fails takes 6d6+14 necrotic, 6d6+14 fire and 6d6+14 force damage. A creature that passes takes half as much damage.


Destroy: The best defense is a good offense, and Flandre can destroy anything that would be used against her. When a creature that Flandre can see makes an attack or casts a spell, Flandre can use her reaction to cause it to fail.

Legendary Actions (3 uses):

Attack: Flandre makes two claw attacks.

Bat Form (Recharge 1-6): A typical Vampire ability, this transformation allows Flandre to survive any incoming attack. Flandre takes the form of a swarm of bats. Until the end of the next creature's turn, she is immune to all damage.

Dash: Vampires can move quickly when they have to. Flandre takes a move action. This movement does not provoke opportunity attacks.

Regenerate: When she realises she's been hurt, Flandre can focus to accellerate her healing process. Flandre recovers 30 hit points.

Secret Barrage "And Then Will There Be None?": No matter how tough, no matter what defenses and no matter how finely crafted, Flandre can destroy anything with a clench of her hand. Flandre chooses a creature or object she can see. If she chooses an object that is not magical, or being worn or carried, it is destroyed.

If the target is a creature, a sentient item, or a non-magical object that is being worn or carried, the creature or the creature wearing or carrying the object must make a DC 24 Charisma saving throw.

On a failure, if the target was a creature, it marks down as having failed a death saving throw.

If it was a sentient item, it is damaged. If it is damaged a total of three times this way without being repaired, it is destroyed.

If it was an object, the object is destroyed.

If the target is a magical item, the item makes a d20 roll of DC 15. The item gains +1 to this roll if it is uncommon, +3 if it is rare, +5 if it is very rare, +7 if it is legendary, and +9 if it is an artifact. If the item fails, it is destroyed. If it succeeds, it is immune to this effect for 48 hours.

If Flandre is split into more than one copy, only one may target a creature with this ability at a time.