
People eat vegetarian foods for many reasons. I was organic lacto-ovo vegetarian with occasional seafood for several years due to ethical concerns about the treatment of animals on factory farms, and due to significant health concerns. I went through my first pregnancy and raised my first child to the age of 2 the same. The second child was regular diet. I've observed no difference between them.

During that time the Super Baby Foods book was my "go to" for detailed nutritional information. I still have that book. I highly recommend it. It provides a thorough nutritional analysis of many foods, detailed information on vitamins including symptoms of any dietary deficiencies or overloads, how to make complete proteins by food combination, some recipes (that part is mediocre), and activities for children. Here's a link to their site Yes I'm giving a free plug, I really like and recommend that book.

This vegetarian page is lacto-ovo, so plenty of cheese and milk in these. It is easy to be a lacto-ovo vegetarian. I haven't included desserts or breads which are vegetarian, so you can check the dessert page for veggie desserts. Some of these are vegan. I am going to sort through all these some day and mark the vegan ones.

Web recipes

I don't want to repeat content, search engines frown on that, so I'm just linking to my vegetable page for some online veggie recipes I've linked on there. I only link to recipes I've found through organic search that I've tried and liked.

