
apple pie

 A Thanksgiving apple pie. If you make them look pretty people will eat more. Presentation matters even just for family.

Pro Tip ~ humidity matters for meringues in pies and candies. I had a batch of divinity and a pie fall flat when I first moved to a humid area, and then cottoned on to running a dehumidifier. 

The pink cloud and green cloud salads are traditional holiday dishes in our family. The cheese tarts are a favorite and the cinnamon apple crisp is a good quick recipe for leftover apple slices. 

The pie crust recipe is easy, and if you go for the cranberry punch you don't HAVE to put the seasonings in a sachet, and be sure the cranberry juice you buy is actually cranberry juice. Mixed juices masquerading as cranberry don't taste good in that one.

If you have some leftover heavy whipping cream, just put it in a medium to large size container with some sugar and a tight lid. Give it a good shake for around five minutes or so. You'll get good whipped cream.

Web Recipes

This one is quite good actually. I went to a pie party and one of the women made this recipe, giggling over the name. It is indeed quite good, with a balanced taste which is not overly sweet or overpowering. 

Not bad. Not too sweet.

Surprisingly darn good. I recommend. Is more work to make than an apple pie. After I chopped the bananas I went ahead and shook them with the juice from a lemon in a freezer bag and left them in there until I needed them. The lemon tang enhanced the overall taste. I layered the bananas on the bottom and on the top of the cream. I made whipped cream from heavy cream, no sugar added. I sprinkled coconut on top of the top banana layer and on top of the whipped cream. Oh, for it not to be a pain in the butt first whisk the water and cornstarch together before putting in the fry pan. The pudding will initially lump up, but as you continue to stir at the end it will smooth out.

After trying another recipe, yes soak the banana in lemon juice to produce a sweet tart contrast. And if you are lazy and toss the egg into too hot custard it'll not combine correctly.

This is easy and good. So in the summer when there's loads of hard peaches on sale cheap at the store you can use this recipe. 

So good! My daughter found this recipe and surprised me one night with a plate of churros! Since moving to the South I hadn't had any in six years, such a treat. You can just use a ziplock bag and cut a corner off. 

I'd seen instant microwave cake in a cup boxes for sale, and sent them to people, here's the recipe. This one if you don't add chocolate chips is a little bland, you might want to add another tablespoon of sugar and one teaspoon of vanilla. 

This is good and easy to make, and cheap.

