
black eye pea soup with barley

 A bowl of black eye pea soup. It was made with pork roast, mushrooms, and barley.

The only recipes on this page I haven't made are the first black bean and the first clam chowder soup. 

I usually toss the veggies in first to boil now as they take longer to cook, then add the meat towards the end, unless there's a bone. I'll put meat with bone in at the start of the cook, pull it out, remove the meat from the bone, toss the bone back in to be in the soup the whole cook, and then add the meat towards the end. I need to adjust cooking instructions on a few, they are putting the meat in first.

In 2016 I started doing spontaneous soups with a base of chicken broth, tomato sauce, and tomato paste. For a couple soups in a row now I've carefully added in a portion of red chile powder and red chile flakes to up the taste, including a split pea soup. It makes the overall flavor more intense in a pleasing manner. Ended up with the hot and spicy soup recipes from that. 

an old boss's gazpacho:

5 lb tomatoes, 2 cucumbers, lots of peeled garlic, 1/2 red onion, 1 red bell pepper, 1 bunch dill, 1 pear, tomato juice. Chopping up a couple of the tomatoes and 1 cucumber for texture, the rest food processed. This is very good, I make it every year. Not so much for the kids. Wonderful hangover food.

Web Recipes

This is a good recipe, one I made to clear out a chicken carcass when I was sick of chicken noodle soup. It went well, so adding it in here. First off, the two potatoes I chopped were gigantic, so I added a cup more chicken broth to the boiling potatoes part. I food processed the potatoes a bit, some, with a hand mixer. 

I boiled the chicken carcass before I picked it and reserved the broth from that to get savor in the meal, adding a bullion cube to each cup's worth. A whole small container of half and half went in there instead of evaporated milk. Normal milk for the other stuff. I accidentally put in extra flour, so an extra cup of milk went in. It was okay because it'd been a bit extra chicken and extra onion too. I also added in a small can of corn. Toppings were croutons or wontons, and it is all eaten up in 24 hours and people having seconds. 

An okay recipe for getting rid of pork roast leftovers. I stuck all of the 6 oz can of tomato paste in there. Ate the soup topped with cheese and sour cream. I used mild salsa and no complaints from the children. Added the pork bone for savor in the cook.

This is a really good soup! Light and refreshing, you can eat it hot or cold. When I make it I use fresh tomatoes that I boil the skins off and chop keeping all juices. I put in dried thyme and a package of fresh dill that I do not remove before food processing (of course you take the stems off, like with most fresh herbs. It is not an exact science. Fyi, packaged fresh dill doesn't like sitting out at room temperature). I tried making this soup with fresh basil instead of dill, but dill is much better. 

There was a lady who had a blog, and she put up this recipe that she said she'd modified off Moroccan recipes. It was amazing, but her site is no longer up. So, how I do it is I boil a whole chicken down with a couple bay leaves, and pick the bird while the meat is slightly undercooked (very slightly). It is okay if it is fully cooked but don't over boil the bird. Reserve the broth from the boil. Then chop up yellow onion, carrots, and potatoes. I've done it with regular brown potatoes and with red potatoes. Cut a butternut squash in half, take out the seeds, rub it up with oil, and bake it until tender. Remove skin once it has cooled down and it should be falling apart so you will just chop it into a couple lumps. Put the chopped onion, carrots, and potatoes in the reserved broth and bring to a boil. Add the spices in, which is cinnamon, cumin, coriander, a modest amount (not too much) of cayenne, salt, pepper, lemon juice, a few more bay leaves, and chicken bouillon powder. Don't forget the bouillon is salty too. Once the vegetables are tender get the soup to a full boil, add the squash, and stir it in. It will disintegrate. Then add in the chicken meat. Let everything cook maybe five minutes at a full boil. That'll get the chicken done all the way. Stir it, and season it to taste. It isn't as good as that original recipe from that lady's blog, but it is savory and tasty, a recipe I make every year or two. The squash thickens it. Be aware the cayenne will give it a bite, so make sure you don't put in too much. If you are not familiar with cinnamon be careful with adding it in too. Too much cinnamon can ruin a recipe, did that once with a curry. Season to taste.  

bowl of chicken and butternut squash soup

Chicken and Butternut Squash Soup

