green cloud salad

Green cloud salad in a bowl

Green cloud salad is a pretty easy recipe to make. The longest step is whipping the cream, but a hand mixer will make fast work of that. Now, I prefer to put the heavy whipping cream in a sealed container to take turns with someone vigorously shaking it for 5 minutes to get whipped cream.

It sets in the fridge for a good while, so you need to give it at least several hours setting time.

It is a traditional holiday dish in my family. I got it from my mother. Optional stir-ins include 1 cup finely chopped celery or 1 cup of nuts. My mother has never added those (people not liking celery, or nut allergies, etc). This recipe has a richer taste than pink cloud salad, and isn't as sweet.

** This was my first time making it and I forgot to add the whipping cream at first. I added it in later and whipped it together and it turned out fine **

  • 2 packages cubed cream cheese

  • 1 package lime Jello

  • 1 C boiling water

  • 1 small can crushed pineapple

  • 1/2 pint heavy whipping cream

1. Bring the water to a boil and cube the cream cheese.

2. Pour the water in the Jello and stir to dissolve.

3. Add the cream cheese to the Jello. Add the small can of crushed pineapple, including the juice from the can. Stir it all together and then put it in the fridge.

4. Whip the 1/2 pint of heavy whipping cream until rigid peaks form. I highly recommend an electric mixer. My mother uses Cool Whip. I don't use Cool Whip because I don't like the taste or texture as much when I do.

5. Add the whipping cream to the Jello mixture and stir it all together. Leave it in the fridge to set for so many hours or overnight.


green cloud salad