oven fried chicken parmesan

In this recipe the chicken is coated and then baked. A fryer is a bird which weighs between approximately 3 to 5 pounds, so a 3 to 5 pound flat of chicken parts is good for this recipe.

  • 1/2 C grated Parmesan cheese

  • 1/4 C flour

  • 1 tsp paprika

  • 1/2 tsp salt

  • dash of pepper

  • 1 egg

  • 1 tbsp milk

  • 1/4 C margarine

  • 1 cut up fryer or 3 to 5 lbs of chicken parts

1. Preheat the oven to 350. Grease a baking dish. The dish can be greased either by rubbing oil or butter/margarine on it or by using cooking spray.

2. Combine the parmesan cheese, flour, and seasonings in a bowl.

3. Beat the egg slightly with one tablespoon of milk. Use a hand mixer, wire whisk, or fork to beat the egg slightly.

4. Dip the chicken one piece at a time into the egg mixture. Then roll the chicken pieces in the cheese mixture to coat. Place the coated chicken pieces in the baking dish.

5. Melt the 1/4 cup margarine in the microwave. Pour the melted margarine over the chicken. Bake the chicken for 1 hour or until tender.


oven fried chicken parmesan