chicken salad sandwich

This is an imitation recipe of the Arby's Roast Beef chicken salad sandwich. I guess they make it now with pecans. The chicken can be leftover chicken or made fresh. White meat is preferable and closer to the Arby's taste, but any chicken will do. With the chicken already made the recipe should take less than 10 minutes to make. You can adjust all the quantities as desired for taste, the amounts listed are a rough estimate out of my head from working there a couple years. The link is to a website which gives a useful calories and nutrition breakdown for the sandwich.

  • 3 cups cubed/chopped chicken.

  • 3/4 cup chopped celery

  • 3/4 cup halved red or black grapes

  • 1/4 cup crushed walnuts or pecans

  • 1/2 cup mayonnaise

1. Chop up the chicken and put it in a bowl.

2. Chop up the celery and add it to the bowl.

3. Halve the grapes and add them in.

4. Add the crushed walnuts. If the walnuts need to be crushed, just put them in a sandwich bag and pound them with something.

5. Add the mayonnaise and stir it all together. If desired use personal taste to set the amount of mayonnaise used.

6. Put the chicken salad on bread, add a leaf of lettuce, and the sandwich is ready to go.


chicken salad sandwich