beer batter fish

The recommended kind of fish fillets to be used in this recipe is halibut. This beer batter recipe can be dated by the call for Accent. Accent (MSG or monosodium glutamate) is no longer a widely used spice due to health issues experienced by at-risk members of the population. If desired, substitute the Accent with a dash of sugar.

  • 3/4 C Bisquick

  • 1/3 C beer

  • 1 tbsp vegetable oil

  • salt

  • pepper

  • garlic salt

  • Accent

  • 2 egg whites

  • ~ 1 lb fish fillets

  • cooking oil

1. Separate the egg whites in two eggs. To do this, carefully and gently crack the egg over a bowl. Crack the egg in two, allowing the egg white to drop into the bowl. Slowly pass the intact egg yolk from one shell to the other, allowing the white to continue dropping to the bowl. Set the yolks aside once the eggs are fully separated.

2. Beat the egg whites stiff. This can be done with a fork or a hand mixer. The egg whites are stiff when white peaks form.

3. In a bowl combine the Bisquick, beer, vegetable oil, salt & pepper, garlic salt, and Accent or sugar if desired. The seasonings are to personal taste. A few shakes is typical.

4. Cut the fish into 2 inch squares.

5. Heat a pan filled with enough vegetable oil to cover the fish at least half way, or a deep fryer.

6. Dip the fish into the batter and deep fry until golden brown on all sides. Think generally around 3 1/2 minutes per side for 1/2 inch thick fish, and around 5 1/2 minutes per side for 1 inch thick fish. Remove the fish from the oil and set aside to drain.


beer batter fish