
Chopped onion on a cutting board

 I've made all my recipes, Dale's potato salad, and the wilted spinach salad with bacon. I recommend Dale's potato salad, the cob salad, the imitation KFC coleslaw, and the twice baked potatoes. Mashed potatoes are always good. 

A few short recipes below.

* Steamed chopped carrots covered in butter and brown sugar are good for small children. If you serve celery filled with peanut butter and topped with raisins you can call it ants on a log. 

* Take potato peels and bake them with butter, shredded cheese, salt and pepper, thyme, sage, rosemary, a bit of oregano, a dab of basil, at 375 covered first and then uncovered a bit and you have a yummy snack. Make sure to remove all eyes.

* Take a yam and cut a slice in it. Bake it like a potato. One it is cooked slit it lengthwise, add butter first, a bit of brown sugar, and stuff mini marshmallows in the crack. Or just the butter and salt and pepper for savory instead of sweet.

* Sweet potato, take a fresh baked one and slather it with butter. Then put brown sugar and cinnamon on it. Very good, got this from a restaurant.

* Mix meat drippings into mashed potatoes if available, or some broth. If you make them that way at a family event you'll observe that there are significantly less potato leftovers at the end of the night.

* Nest a sack of mixed vegetables under meat/chicken while baking. With some toast that's a full meal.


~ Never food process or use a hand held electric mixer on mashed potatoes, will make them glue-y and foul.

~ To peel a pumpkin/squash bake it first, then the skin comes off easy peasy.

~ A head of lettuce won't wilt and will last three times longer if you wrap a paper towel around it before putting it back in the plastic bag after coring and rinsing it. 

~ If you soak and rinse french fry cut potatoes before baking them they don't stick as much. The more you rinse/soak the less they stick, haven't really experimented with this yet beyond the first try soaking them in a bowl of water for a while with this technique.

For a simple dinner vegetable side plain steamed or baked vegetables are an easy option. Mum never made squash. In my experience so far it tastes best baked. Steamed is good too.

Web recipes

My grandmother used to make fried zucchini. I wanted to make some but didn't want to haul out the vegetable oil for yet another meal, so I gave the above recipe a go as it bakes rather than fries the zucchini. Very good. I recommend. 

Even just tossing them with some olive oil and then shaking them in a bag with some parmeson cheese and seasoning before baking works fine. Note - don't cut them too fine. I'd say 1/3 of an inch thickness is good.

Very good recipe, highly recommend. When I made it the first time I put all of the onion into the sauce and none into the hamburger rice stuffing. That was through inattention but it tasted fine. I did not add V8 juice. The stuffing which didn't fit into cabbage leaves went into the sauce. 

I'd been having a go at the frozen cubed leftover cooked squash from an "eh okay" butternut squash soup, that I didn't use. So I made this one with already cooked thawed squash cubes, and it was perfectly fine as a vegetable side dish. I've subsequently made this one multiple times with fresh squash, is fine/good. A decent simple squash recipe. 

This is an easy effective recipe. I had a go at it because it was so similar to the above butternut squash recipe. In both recipes you cut the vegetable in half, give it a rub with an oil/butter and some spices, and bake it in the oven. Don't put too much oil on it though, the eggplant is like a sponge. Just a little. A decent simple eggplant recipe. 

This is tasty. I was dubious making the recipe, wondering if I was being sucked in by daisychaining. Nope, quite good. I did a mixture of a bit of ground beef I had moldering away in the fridge and some discount today stew meat I cut to smaller size. Small size zucchini are ideal with this actually. I added rice instead of bread crumbs. I blanched the zucchini regular in boiling water and added the surplus stuffing to some bel peppers. I cooked it all at 375 until internal temperature of 165.

A pretty good version of this dish for Thanksgiving. The nutmeg in it works with the dish, enhances the flavor. 

This is good! I'd had two weekends in a row of dismal not very good main recipe, so hitting a good recipe was a relief. I didn't put the flour on, can't recollect if I did that exact spice combo or not. 

