
Potato hash: potato, sausage, and egg in a fry pan

The image is potato hash. I've never made the quiche lorraine.

Besides the discovery of baking bacon detailed below I've discovered you can also make most excellent scrambled eggs in the microwave. Make sure to add a little butter first and it won't stick to the container either.

My breakfasts are usually stuff like potatoes and eggs and bacon, fruit and toast, pancakes or waffles, sausage and biscuits and white gravy, all that sort of thing. Well actually, usually my own breakfast is a mug of coffee or tea.

In 2020 I discovered that you can make bacon in the oven and it is much much easier and cleaner than frying on the stove top. Line a cookie sheet with foil  or parchment paper. I've only done this with thick cut bacon so far, but you can do regular bacon of course. You put the bacon flat in nice rows on the parchment paper or foil. Turn on the over to 425, and put the bacon in the cold oven. Set the timer for 14 minutes, and then just check every minute or so, watch closely, and remove when cooked as desired. Multiple sites commented on needing to watch closely to prevent burning. Clean up is easy. Once the grease is cooled congealed you can crinkle up the foil and toss it. The bacon doesn't spit and make a mess in the oven while cooking.

You can also oil a muffin pan, take thick cut bacon strips and wrap them around the muffin cup depressions, and then crack an egg into them and bake until done.  I haven't found exactly a good recipe yet, the right temp, best way to get bacon crisper, and so on. But it is simple and tasty. Last recipe I tried had you do it at 400 in the oven, but then I had to cook it way longer than the recipe said.

Web Recipes

This is the waffle recipe we use all the time. Putting vanilla extract in waffles seemed odd to me at first, but it is fine.

